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times. The landing surfaces at the entrances and exits to manlifts should be so constructed and
maintained as to provide safe footing at all times. When there is a travel of 50 feet or more
between floor landings, one or more emergency platforms should be provided so that there is a
landing, either floor or emergency, for every 25 feet or less of travel. Such emergency landings
should be accessible from both runs of the manlift and should give access to emergency exit
ladders. Emergency platforms should be enclosed with a standard railing and toeboard.
10.2.5 Landing Guards
On the ascending side of a manlift, the landings should be provided with a bevel guard or
cone (See Figure 10-3) meeting the following requirements:
a. The cone should make an angle of not less than 45 degrees with the horizontal. An angle
of 60 degrees or greater may be used where ceiling heights permit.
b. The guard should extend at least 36 inches outward from the face of the belt, but not
beyond the upper surface of the floor above.
c. The cone should be made of not less than No. 18 U.S. gage sheet steel or material of
equivalent strength or stiffness. The lower ledge should be rolled to a minimum diameter of 1/2
inch and the interior should be smooth with no rivets, bolts, or screws protruding.
d. It should be noted that cones on the down run of the belt serve as fairly effective fire stops
and tend to prevent the loss of warm air from lower floors.
10.2.6 Floor Opening Guards
The floor opening at each landing should be guarded on sides not used for entrance or exit by
a standard railing and toeboard or by approved panels or wire mesh. Such rails or guards should
be at least 42 inches in height on the up-running side and 66 inches on the down-running side.
Rails or guards should be located not more than one foot from the edge of the floor opening.
10.2.7 Protection Of Entrances And Exits
The entrances and exits at all floors or landings affording access to a manlift should be
guarded by a maze (staggered railing) or a handrail equipped with self-closing gates. Such rails
should be standard OSHA approved guardrails with toeboards. Gates, if used, should open
outward and be self-closing. Corners of such gates should be rounded. Maze or staggered
openings should offer no direct passage between enclosure and outer floor space.

Western Governors University

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