NOTE: Paragraphs identified with a vertical line in the left margin are inspections that should
be made by certified Vertical Transportation Equipment Inspectors only.
13.1.1 Scope
The inspection of power platforms included in this chapter is not only an inspection of all
safety related functions, but is also an inspection to determine the condition of the equipment and
identify areas that need improvement. Proper maintenance is needed to keep the power platforms
operating. When preventive maintenance is lacking, shutdowns will occur. In this chapter we
will identify specific published safety standards that relate directly to the inspection procedure
being followed in this text. It is intended that each noted standard should be reviewed as it is
identified. Safety as well as performance considerations of the inspection will be addressed in
the following text. Powered scaffolds consist of three parts: a work platform or stand usually
suspended from one, two or four hoist ropes; a motive means which can be hand, air or electric
powered; and a suspension means which can be outriggers, cornice hooks, davits or roof cars.
Because of the limited use associated with the roof car system, this chapter will address only the
more widely used powered scaffold type. See Figures 13-1 thru 13-5 showing various power
platform arrangements with component names that will be used in this chapter.
13.1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this inspection is to review the entire power platform installation to ascertain
that the equipment is being properly maintained and is in a safe operating status. Because the
operation and use of power platforms are by nature very dangerous, the inspection should be
directed towards those areas such as safety ropes, limit switches, guards, standing and boarding
surfaces and fastenings that directly relate to the safe operation by the user personnel.