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a. brake shoes and brake operating parts
b. hoisting ropes, clamps, and attachments
c. sheaves, particularly head sheaves
d. tracks, wheels, and mechanisms
e. limit switches and slack cable device
15.3.15 Slat Conveyors And Roller Slat Conveyors
A slat conveyor can present a shear point when the gap between the slats is great enough to
permit access to cross members below the slats. A hazard also exists At the tail end of a slat
conveyor in which the slats are above the center line of the chain. The gap between slats closes
when the slats reach the top surface of the conveyor. This area should be guarded. If the
material flow enters over the tail sprocket, making guards impractical, a warning sign should
identify the hazard.
15.3.16 Suspended Vertical Tray Conveyors
Means shall be provided to sense overloads where these loads could cause failure and injury to
personnel. The conveyor shall be housed so as to prevent injury from inadvertent physical
contact with moving parts of the equipment. The housing should be equipped with doors or
equivalent device at each manual loading station, interlocked so that they can be opened only
when the pendant tray, car, or carrier has stopped and the pendant tray, car, or carrier cannot be
moved until the doors are closed. Vertical tray conveyors automatically receiving or discharging
objects should have a similar device extending on all sides a safe distance from the path of the
15.3.17 Tow Conveyors - In The Floor
A clearance space for personnel shall be provided between the side of a cart, or between any
load overhanging the side of a cart, and any fixed or moving object. The cart path shall be
identified by a floor stripe parallel to the cart path, one line on each side, located a safe distance
from the edge of the cart or overhanging load. Where wall openings or other conditions do not
permit a safe clearance, the reduced clearance area shall be marked with appropriate warnings.
Where a cart may change its direction without warning, such as switching off the main line into a
transfer conveyor or a spur, this area shall be marked with an appropriate warning such as
diagonal stripes on the floor within the clearance lines. Where carts start automatically, a
warning is required.