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The oil level should not exceed the level indicator. If the gear case is overfilled it will not retain
the excessive oil and will leak onto other components. (See Figure 16-8). Check the gear for
excessive backlash and possible excessive shaft end play.
16.3.4 Hoist Drum
The hoist drum is a machined circular casting mounted on the side of the gear case. The drum
is used to take up and let out the wire ropes that raise and lower the crane carriage. The hoist
drum should be examined and tested with light blows from a hammer. If the resulting sound
from the blows is dull and flat unlike the ring given by sound metal, the hoist drum should be
examined carefully for cracks. The hoist drums are irreparable items. If the drums have any
clicks, new drums must be installed.
16.3.5 Wire Rope or Cable General. All wire rope will eventually deteriorate to a point where it is no longer
serviceable. There are three basic causes of wire rope deterioration. They are:
a. Abrasion or wear
b. Corrosion
c. Fatigue, caused by the pulling, bending, crushing or kinking forces applied to the rope
during normal services.
None of the above causes of deterioration can be eliminated entirely. However, all three can be
minimized, thus insuring the longest possible safe service life from the rope. Inspection. The first step toward the proper care of wire rope is an inspection schedule.
All wire rope used for lifting of loads should be inspected on a periodic basis, preferably at least
weekly. This inspection should be aimed at determining the degree of deterioration at the worst
rope lay since this will determine the suitability for continuous service. By definition, a rope lay
is the axial distance along the rope in which one strand makes one complete turn around the rope.
The inspector should pay particular attention to the following:
a. Internal wear caused by grit penetrating between the strand and wires.
b. Kinking.
c. Lubrication.
d. Corrosion.

Western Governors University

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