TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
manders to meet local requirements. Service in-
departments that, in order of priority, maintenance
tervals may be lengthened only when justified by
should be second only to operations. It must be
extenuating circumstances. Whenever service inter-
systematic, and it must be timely.
b. Scheduling. The following chapters provide
vals or other guidance in this manual differs from
information supplied by the manufacturer, the more
data on service intervals, procedures, and practices.
stringent procedure should be followed.
Modifications may be made by installation com-
Section II - SAFETY
1-8. Minimizing hazards.
tools and equipment must be maintained in proper
operating order, be suitable for the maximum volt-
Material specifications, construction criteria, instal-
age level involved, and should be periodically tested
lation standards, and safe working procedures have
for compliance with all safety requirements. De-
been developed to minimize hazards. All work and
partmental publications should be consulted for
materials should conform to the latest accepted pro-
specific requirements in each voltage level.
cedures and standards, as defined in publications
listed or referred to in this manual.
b. Service safety manuals. This manual addresses
some safety requirements, but users should also be
1-9. Qualification of electrical workers.
familiar with the service safety manuals TM 5-682,
Due to the inherent hazards encountered in the
NAVFAC P-1060, and AFMAN 32-1078.
maintenance of electrical distribution systems and
c. Personal protective temporary grounding. This
equipment, it is essential that all electrical workers
is temporary grounding installed to protect workers
be thoroughly trained and be familiar with the
engaged in de-energized line maintenance. The
equipment and procedures to be followed.
grounds are provided to limit the voltage difference
between any two accessible points at the work site
1-10. Certification of electric workers.
to a safe value. An expanded discussion of protective
Properly trained electric workers will be certified in
grounding principles and practices is contained in
accordance with applicable publications.
IEEE 1048, NFPA 70B and "The Lineman's and
Cableman's Handbook".
1-11. Public safety.
1-13. Live-line maintenance.
All necessary precautions will be taken to warn the
public of electrical hazards or other conditions
Aerial live lines are energized lines that are being
which may constitute a danger. This is especially
tested, repaired, and maintained more and more by
true of temporary hazards due to work in progress.
electrical utilities to reduce the number of outages
or service interruptions. The use of such procedures
1-12. Personnel safety.
on DOD installations requires that good practice be
followed and that there is no conflict with local
Any work on or close to electrical equipment of any
facility rules.
kind should be considered dangerous and proper
safety precautions will be taken. All personnel who
a. Good practice. Personnel doing live-line work
perform work of any kind on or near electrical
should have satisfactorily completed a formal train-
equipment must be familiar with and observe all
ing course of instruction and be examined periodi-
safety precautions.
cally. Live-line maintenance usually means any
a. Safety first. Two safety rules are mandatory as
maintenance activity performed on energized elec-
trical conductors or equipment with a phase-to-
phase voltage exceeding 600 volts. It usually does
(1) Consider all electrical equipment to be en-
not include such activities as switching, hardware
ergized until it is known positively (as by the pres-
tightening, climbing, hole digging, pole setting, con-
ence of grounding clamps) that it is not energized.
ductor stringing, etc. The performance of this work
Comply with regulations and safety instructions
requires equipment and tools that meet applicable
contained in NEC and NESC, the applicable depart-
industry standards for energized-line maintenance.
mental publications, and special publications issued
by the local command.
b. Local facility rules. Two considerations affect
facility rules on the type and extent of live-line
(2) Work may be done on energized lines and
maintenance permitted: availability of qualified fa-
equipment only by personnel qualified by their job
cility personnel and equipment versus the facility's
descriptions for that voltage level. Job descriptions
requirement for uninterrupted operation. If local
should require actual hands-on work service periods
missions prevent electrical power shutdowns and
which meet local utility and the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers approval. All
local facilities are not qualified to perform live-line