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TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
be installed. Because of the extra labor required to
bly, be sure to provide adequate temporary support
install a log anchor, the replacement should be a
for the pole and to maintain clearances from ener-
gized lines. The anchor rod must be in line with the
patent anchor if soil conditions permit. Figure 4-20
shows the installation features of a log anchor.
anchor guy. Try to attach only one guy to the eye of
(2) Push brace. On infrequent occasions, an an-
an anchor rod, but never more than two. If two guys
are attached, the direction of the anchor rod must
chor and guy may be impossible to install. In such
be the same as the resultant angle of the two guy
cases, the proper support for the pole can be pro-
vided by a push brace applied to the pole at the
strand angles.
inside of the corner. The push brace should be a pole
chors, as shown in figure 4-19, are most often used
the same length as the line pole being braced, and
because they are the easiest, quickest, and least
should support the line pole as near to its top as
possible. Since the brace produces an uplift on the
expensive to install. If properly installed, there is no
line pole, the line pole must be held down with cross
maintenance required as long as the anchor holds.
cribbing bolted to its base. Details are shown in
If the anchor does not hold, then replacement, re-
figure 4-21. Poles provided with push braces should
duction of load, or positioning of one or more addi-
be periodically inspected for uplift. If evidence indi-
tional anchors that do not disturb the original in-
stallation (including the cone of earth above the
cates that this is happening, the pole may be held
down by the installation of side anchors as shown in
anchor) will be required. Screw anchors in swampy
figure 4-22.
soil may sometimes be screwed to a greater depth
(3) Self-supporting poles. Where obstructions
by means of an extension rod to restore holding
power. The hole drilled for cone or expansion an-
make guying difficult, self-supporting poles with
hog guying, as shown in figure 4-23, can be used.
chors should be no larger than necessary and the
backfill firmly tamped.
4-51. Guy attachments.
feasible, more expensive guying methods must be
The guy strand is fastened to the pole hardware and
the anchor rod with clips, clamps, or other devices.
(1) Log anchors. If the soil has little holding
The guy is tightened by means of a chain jack and
nonslip wire grips called come-alongs. The guy
ability, the greatly increased bearing of a log anchor,
should be tightened until the pole leans slightly
sometimes called a log deadman, may be required.
toward the anchor. Then the guy strand is firmly
The log anchor is usually cut from a sound section of
fastened and the chain jack released. When han-
an old pole and should be thoroughly treated before
installation. In the past, many deadmen consisted
dling a guy strand, do not nick or scrape the surface;
of logs or untreated pole sections and tended to
this breaks the protective coating and lets corrosion
deteriorate rather rapidly. When this happens, the
start. Guy guards should be installed in accordance
anchor rod will pull free and a new anchor needs to
with departmental safety requirements.
Figure 4-19. Types of patent anchors