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TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
vent the butt of the limb from swinging out. Another
upper branches are cut off to form a well-shaped,
low-spreading head below the wires. The natural
rope may be used to guide the limb as it is being
shape of the tree should be retained as nearly as
(2) Method No. 2. Use rope No. 1 to prevent the
possible.  For tall-growing trees, however,
limb from falling on the wires. After the limb is cut
under-trimming or topping the tree is often neces-
on the side away from which it is swung, use rope
sary. Trees usually topped are willow, cottonwood,
and poplar. These trees grow rapidly, even after
No. 2 to swing the limb clear of the wires and to pull
being topped, and have branches more easily bro-
the limb down after the cut is complete. Rope No. 3
ken during storms. A tree topped in this manner
is used to hold the butt of the limb.
b. Large vertical limbs. In removing large vertical
usually grows a bushy or broomlike top, which will
require more topping in a few years.
limbs, a handline tied well up on the vertical limb is
d. Undertrimming. Undertrimming is necessary
used to control the direction in which the limb is to
when the under branches of a tree overhang or
fall. In some cases it may be necessary to make the
extend into wires. In some cases, tall trees growing
limb fall in the direction opposite from which it is
adjacent to the line may be undertrimmed. The
leaning. The fall of the limb is stopped by a butt
overhanging hazard should be relieved as much as
rope. The butt rope should be pulled tight before the
possible by shortening or cutting off the tips of the
cut is completed to reduce the distance the limb will
overhanging branches. Sometimes a better remedy
drop. If the limb is cut on only one side, completing
for the overhanging condition is to reshape and re-
the cut before it is lowered to the ground may be
move overhanging branches so that they do not
necessary. Heavy limbs should always be dropped in
a snatch block.
grow toward the wires.
4-58. Treating a tree trimming wound.
4-57. Tree trimming instructions.
The proper methods to use in trimming (pruning)
An asphalt-base tree paint should be painted or
trees requires considerable expertise. Instructions
sprayed on every pruning cut larger than 1.5 inches
on pruning techniques are contained in the "Line-
(38 millimeters). This treatment should overlap the
area around the cut and is necessary as a deterrent
man's and Cableman's Handbook." This publication,
or others which may be locally available, should be
to disease organisms or insects whose entry would
be harmful. The color serves to make the cut less
consulted before starting tree trimming operations.
noticeable. The paint can be sprayed, or brushed
a. Removing a limb overhanging wires. In addi-
using a summer or winter grade type, as appropri-
tion to normal cutting and trimming, special han-
ate, for flowability. Paint with a growth inhibitor
dling instructions apply to prevent damage to wires.
Two alternative methods, which may not be covered
will reduce resprouting at the cut and make second-
elsewhere, are shown in figure 4-26 and described
cycle trimming more economical.
4-59. Tree removal methods.
(1) Method No. 1. Use rope No. 1 to pull the
center of the limb into the tree when the saw cut on
It is often preferable to remove a weak or diseased
the underside is about two-thirds through the limb.
tree rather than to go to the trouble and expense of
trimming and eventually having to remove it any
When the cut is completed, use rope No. 2 to pre-
b. M e t h o d
Figure 4-26. Removing a limb overhanging wires

Western Governors University

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