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![]() TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
6-1. Outdoor lighting use.
ceeding 277 volts to ground, need to meet NEC
requirements for their distance from windows, plat-
Outdoor lighting includes public way, recreational,
forms, and fire escapes. Circuits exceeding 277 volts
airfield, and security or protective lighting, whether
to ground, but not exceeding 600 volts, need to meet
installed on buildings or detached supports. The
NEC pole and structure mounting height require-
primary purpose of outdoor lighting is to provide
lighting for exterior facilities, which require some
degree of lighting during times of reduced visibility
b. Series circuits. In a series circuit, all of the
for safety or for observation. Poles which support
lamps are connected in series. The same current,
outdoor lighting should be maintained as described
therefore, flows through all the lamps and the volt-
in chapter 4, sections VII and VIII. Outside
age varies. The power is supplied through a
building-mounted lighting is considered interior
constant-current transformer (regulator). These
lighting, if its sole purpose is to facilitate entrance
transformers are available to supply circuits rated
into that building.
6.6, 15, or 20 amperes. The most common value of
current used is 6.6 amperes and only 6.6 and 20
6-2. Types of lighting circuits.
amperes are used for airfield lighting circuits. The
Most lighting circuits will be of the multiple circuit
lamps may be connected either directly to the series
type. Generally series circuits are used for only air-
circuit or to insulating transformers connected to
field lighting systems (except for very small air-
the series circuit. Most series airfield lighting cir-
fields) to provide uniform brightness to all lights in
cuits use insulating transformers. Series circuits
a circuit. Some older streetlighting and protective
may be installed as an open-loop, a closed-loop, or a
lighting circuits may also be supplied from series
combination of both. In the closed loop and combi-
nation systems the conductors are close together in
a. Multiple circuits. Multiple circuits use
numerous places so the circuit can be conveniently
constant-voltage single-phase inputs, usually of
short-circuited when troubleshooting. Series circuit
120, 208, 240, 277, and 480 volts. The lights are
voltages range from 2,400 to 7,200 volts, in order to
connected in parallel. There are no code restrictions
maintain the constant current. Therefore, series cir-
on the location of 120-volt lamps. When installed on
cuits must always be treated as medium-voltage
buildings, circuits exceeding 120 volts, but not ex-
6-3. Multiple type lighting system compo-
light where it is wanted and, if necessary, to house
the ballast.
A multiple type lighting system consists of lumi-
6-5. lamp types.
naires, mounting structures for luminaires, the con-
There are two types of lights used in outdoor lumi-
trol system to switch luminaires on and off, and the
naires. These are filament types and gaseous con-
input circuit which provides the low voltage to oper-
ductive types. Filament lamps use the filament for
ate the luminaires. Generally, some type of power
conducting current. Gaseous conductive types use
transformer will provide input low voltage. Trans-
an ionized gas or vapor for the electron flow and are
former requirements are provided in chapter 7.
of the electric-discharge lamp type or fluorescent
6-4. Luminaires.
lamp type.
a. Filament lamps. The two types of filament
The basic, most visible part of an exterior lighting
lamps are the incandescent lamp and the tungsten-
system, is the combination of luminaire and lamp or
halogen lamp. The tungsten-halogen lamp adds a
lamp/ballast. All gaseous conductor lamps require
halogen regenerative cycle to deposit the filament's
ballasts. A bare lamp at the end of a pair of wires
evaporated tungsten back on the filament, rather
will emit light, perhaps in large amounts, but only a
than on the lamp bulb, and thus provides a longer
part will be directed to where it will be useful and
lamp life. Incandescent lamps are used mainly for
the rest is wasted. Luminaires are used to direct the
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