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![]() TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJMAN 32-1082
should be familiar with the necessary cleaning steps
areas, however, if the plastic is cleaned at least
and the appropriate cleaning compounds for the ap-
twice a year with a detergent, a satisfactory balance
in regard to static dirt collection is obtained.
(1) Procedure. The cleaning sequence will vary
c. Troubleshooting. The main defects requiring
maintenance are nonstart, cycle on and off, extra
dependent upon the type of luminaire, but typical
bright light output, and low light output. Some of
methods for streetlights can be modified for other
these conditions result from normal end of lamp or
types of fixtures.
(a) Remove any removable shielding mate-
ballast life. Other conditions result from loose wir-
ing, ballasts, or lamps, or from incorrect lamp and
rial and the lamp.
(b) Make the 1 uminaire shock-free. Ensure
ballast installations. Refer to the manufacturers'
lamp, ballast, and luminaire troubleshooting guides
that the electrical circuit is turned off or make the
and the IESNA's Lighting Handbook for methods of
luminaire shock-free by covering sockets with tape
or dummy lamp bases.
diagnosing and correcting problems. Ballast re-
(c) Clean the basic unit. If required, heavy
placement and voltage and current measurements
deposits of dirt can be removed first from the
present the possibility of exposure to potentially
luminaire's top surface by wiping or brushing. Re-
hazardous voltages and should be performed only
flective or refractive surfaces are better off not
by qualified personnel.
d. Replacement. Consider replacing glass items
wiped but only washed.
(d) Clean the shielding material and lamps.
with tougher materials such as acrylics if breakage
(vandalism) becomes a problem. Replace incandes-
Plastic materials should be allowed to drip dry after
rinsing or be damp dried with toweling or some
cent lamps with discharge lamps (sodium preferred)
other material. Dry wiping can cause the formation
whenever possible. Departmental policy should be
of electrostatic charges. New lamps should be dry
complied with in changing lamp types.
wiped before installation.
6-8. Multiple type lighting controls.
(e) Replacement may require installing new
shielding and new lamps.
Most control is provided by either a central control
or an integral control. Central controls use a time
(2) Cleaning compounds. Washing solutions
switch with an astronomical dial, or a contactor
should always be in accordance with the luminaire
controlled by a photo cell. Integral systems have a
manufacturer's instructions. Strong alkaline or
photo cell installed on each luminaire.
a b r a s i v e cleaners should be avoided. Most
a. Time switches. Time switches used on lighting
luminaire finishes can be cleaned using the follow-
circuits should have an astronomical dial, which
ing procedures.
ideally has been adjusted at the factory for the par-
(a) Aluminum. Very mild soaps and cleaners
ticular locality in which it is used. If it is necessary
can be used on aluminum and will not affect the
to do so in the field, adjust as follows:
finish, if the material is thoroughly rinsed with
clean water immediately after cleaning. Strong al-
(1) See that the center dial screw is tight
kaline cleaners should never be used.
(finger-tight on models with knurled knobs).
(b) Porcela in enamel. This finish is not in-
(2) Turn the dial either by the manual reset
jured by nonabrasive cleaners. Detergents and most
knob or by the dial screws in the direction indicated
automobile and glass cleaners do a good job under
by the arrow until the correct time of day is directly
average conditions.
under the hour pointer. The black half-moon repre-
(c) Synthetic enamel. Some strong cleaners
sents night periods.
may injure this finish, particularly if the enamel is
(3) Turn the star wheel in either direction until
left to soak in the solution. Alcohol or abrasive
the date pointer is directly over the correct day and
cleaners should not be used. Detergents produce no
month. On models that do not have every day indi-
harmful effects.
cated, 5- or 10-day periods are shown and the exact
(d) Glass. As with porcelain enamel, most
date may be obtained by turning the star wheel one
nonabrasive cleaners can be used satisfactorily on
point for each day from the known data points.
glass. Dry cleaners are usually preferred on clear
Spring-driven mechanisms may gain or lose time
glass panels, but not on etched or sand blasted sur-
because of temperature variations. Synchronous
faces. Most detergents will work well under average
motor-driven clocks will lose time if there is an
interruption to service. They should be checked
(e) Plastics. Dust is very often attracted by
monthly and reset and adjusted if necessary. The
the static charge developed on plastic. Most com-
contacts should be checked about once a year. On
clocks having contacts on the back of the panel,
mon detergents do not provide a high degree of
disconnect the 120-volt wires from the terminal
permanence in their anti-static protection. In most
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