TM 5-684/NAVFAC MO-200/AFJhWN 32-1082
Section VII-ROPE
15-23. Care of rope.
Rope is an essential tool in construction and main-
tenance work. For maximum use and safety, the
following dos and don'ts should be observed in the
care and handling of rope.
a. DOS. Examine strands frequently for breaks
and internal wear. When ropes are not in use, coil
and hang them up. Use synthetic rope wherever
b. Don'ts. Comply with the following require-
(1) Do not allow rope to kink, because fibers
become overstressed at point of bend.
(2) Do not drag rope on the ground, because
dirt and sand chafe the fibers.
(3) Do not use rope that is too small.
(4) Do not thread rope on sheaves having
rusted or rough surfaces.
(5) Do not allow rope to unlay; whip the ends.
(6) Do not let rope come in contact with oil.
This rapidly deteriorates fibers.
(7) When rope becomes wet, dry it at the first
opportunity. Avoid using a wet rope near energized
lines. Remember that a wet rope is not as strong as
a dry one and breaks easily if frozen.
(8) Do not use tape, string, or marlin to repair
defects in rope. When defective, turn in rope for
(9) Do not use natural fiber ropes.
15-24. Splicing rope.
All ropes used in construction work should have
finished ends. The types most used are the backlash
and whipped ends shown in figure 15-1, and the
Figure 15-2. Making an eye splice
finishing of an eye splice as shown in figure 15-2.
Splicing of rope is often required in maintenance
(2) Raise one strand of rope with a marlin
work and is commonly done in one of the following
spike at a point where the splice is to be made. The
larger the eye, the farther down the rope the splice
a. Eye splice. When a permanent eye is desired at
must be made.
t h e end of a rope for ring fastening or for splicing
(3) Tuck any one of the loose strands through
around a block or thimble, an eye splice is used. The
opening diagonally upward to right. Call this strand
procedure for making an eye splice (shown pictori-
ally in figure 15-2) is as follows:
(4) Tuck strand 2 under strand B of the main
(1) Unlay end of rope about six turns.
(5) Tuck strand 3 under strand C of the main
rope in the same direction as the other two strands.
To do this, turn the splice away.
(6) Pull strands in tightly.
(7) Pass each loose strand over the strand of
the main rope nearest to it and under the one be-
yond. Always tuck strands in rotation, one tuck at a
time. Continue for at least three tucks.
Figure 15-1. Methods of finishing rope ends