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![]() 2.1.3 This document will serve as primary guidance on Solid Waste
Management for the Army, Air Force, and Naval branches of the military. Other
major documents include:
DoD DIRECTIVE 4165.60, Solid Waste Management--Collection Disposal,
Resource Recovery and Recycling Program - Provides DoD policies and
procedures relative to the DoD comprehensive solid waste program.
AR 420-47, Solid and Hazardous Waste Management - Defines
responsibilities, regulatory requirements, and procedures for
environmentally safe management of solid and hazardous wastes at Army
installations. Describes procedures for collection, storage, and
disposal of solid waste.
NAVY: DESIGN MANUAL 5.10, Civil Engineering Solid Waste Disposal - The
manual is for use by qualified engineers in selection of a base-specific
disposal method of solid waste.
AFM 91-11, Solid Waste Management - This manual describes
procedures to use in accomplishing solid waste management in an
efficient and economical manner consistent with good environmental
engineering principles. The information provided on practicable
equipment and methods is a basis for implementing a system of refuse
collection and disposal. Supplemental information can be found in other military
references given in the Bibliography of this report. These guidelines address the environmental and personnel
health and safety requirements to be followed in the daily operation of a
landfill facility and, therefore, shall be the basis for the development of
any operations and maintenance manual for a landfill.
Regulations Relevant to Incineration Solid wastes are to be incinerated in facilities designed
for that purpose. The most stringent of federal, state, and local require-
ments apply to military installation incinerator operations. Environmental. The design and operation of incinerator
facilities must conform with the EPA guidelines published in 40 CFR 240, the
Clean Air Act (42 USC 740/et seq.), the Clean Water Act (33 USC 125/et seq.),
and pertinent state regulations. The processing of residue and nonhazardous
wastes that cannot be thermally processed is subject to EPA guideline
40 CFR 241.
1. Air quality guidelines established by the federal government are
contained in 40 CFR 60. Air pollutants from incinerator operations include
particulates, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen
chloride, and various heavy metals. Instrumentation and controls are used to
monitor and regulate the incineration process in order to protect air quality.
Incinerator design criteria are established including the number of chambers,
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