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![]() Traffic. Consideration must be given to the frequency and
size of vehicles utilizing the incinerator facility. Access roads shall be
all-season permanent roads; however, travel on and across primary roads shall
be minimized. Elevation. Locating an incinerator on a hillside may reduce
the amount of ramp construction and excavation needed. Aesthetics. The site selected shall allow the facility to
be screened from public view, particularly operations associated with tipping,
residue discharge, and waste salvage areas. Grounds shall be appropriately
landscaped to add to the appearance of the facility. Topography and location
shall be screened to mitigate noise and odors from the incinerator.
Prevailing wind direction shall be evaluated to avoid odors being transmitted
to residential sites. Screening effects of plantings or walls may also reduce
conflicts with other land uses. Labor schedules. Trained personnel are essential for
efficient incinerator operation. If experienced operators are not available,
training will be given under supervision of the chief operator. Common labor
duties can be performed by less experienced personnel.
One shift operation. Many incinerators have sufficient capacity
to burn all suitable refuse within one 8-h working day. One
operator can perform all the work at a small incinerator. This
includes cleaning and trimming the fire before closing in the
afternoon. The operator's working hours shall be coordinated with
the collection time to permit all the refuse to be incinerated and
duties completed within the normal working day. Larger incinera-
tors may require various skills for operation and maintenance.
Staffing varies with the schedule of operations, number of shifts,
degree of automation of plant operations and labor regulations.
Most incinerator operations require 0.5 to 0.75 manhours per ton
of refuse processed, excluding residue removal and major repairs.
Staggered hours operation. Some incinerators have insufficient
capacity to burn all refuse delivered in an 8-h working day. To
provide proper refuse disposal, the incinerator must be operated
longer than 8 h. Plan the operators' schedules to provide for
morning cleaning of the incinerator before deliveries of refuse
start, and also for later afternoon burning until all refuse has
been charged, the fire trimmed, and building cleaned. Staggering
the working hours permits operation of the incinerator for a
period longer than 8 h, without requiring a full second shift of
operators. It also provides for adequate operating personnel
during the peak hours of the day when the refuse is being
collected and delivered to the incinerator.
Refuse deliveries. Scheduling deliveries of refuse evenly throughout
the day smooths operations; i.e., the unloading platform or pit is
not congested or full, and the incinerator is neither overloaded nor
operating at fractional capacity. Coordinate labor shifts with
collection and delivery schedules.
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