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![]() Garbage Grinding. This is usually an individual disposal
method of grinding select garbage and disposing of it through the sewer
network and wastewater treatment process. Garbage grinding is usually not an
acceptable alternative on a large scale. The capacity of the sewage disposal
facility and cost of grinder installation shall be considered in comparison to
the savings realized in the remaining disposal process. Open Burning. Open burning is generally prohibited except
for the infrequent burning of agricultural wastes in the field, silvicultural
treatment for forest management purposes, land clearing debris, construction
debris, diseased trees, debris from emergency cleanup operations, and
ordnance. Open burning of ordnance requires a RCRA Permit (40 CFR 264,
Subpart X). The open burning and detonation of waste explosives is described
in 40 CFR 265.382. Waste explosives include waste that has the potential to
detonate and bulk military propellants that cannot safely be disposed of
through other modes of treatment. Detonation is a violent chemical reaction
within a chemical compound, or a mechanical mixture involving heat and
pressure which proceeds through the reacted material at a supersonic velocity,
exerting extremely high pressure on the surrounding medium, and forming a
propagating shock wave originally of supersonic velocity. Open burning is the
combustion reaction of any material without control of combustion air,
containment of combustion reaction in air enclosed device, and/or control of
gaseous combustion product emissions. Owners or operators choosing to open
burn or detonate waste explosives must do so in accordance with the following
table and in a manner that does not threaten human health or the environment.
All explosives to be disposed of by detonation or open burning should be
turned over to Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) office. The individual
should never attempt to detonate or open burn explosives without first
contacting EOD.
Minimum distance from open
Pounds of waste explosives
burning or detonation to the
or propellants
property of others, m (ft)
O to 100
204 (670)
101 to 1,000
380 (1,250)
1,001 to 10,000
530 (1,730)
10,001 to 30,000
690 (2,260) Disposal of explosives or explosives-contaminated wastes is
the responsibility of EOD. Disposal of explosives by detonation or open
burning should take place on a range or impact area that has an approved
Environmental Assessment for detonation. Many installations are not allowed
to open burn waste explosives and must use an incinerator designed for
explosives or explosives-contaminated wastes. If no such incinerator exists
on an installation, these types of wastes must be shipped to an installation
having one. In either case, no waste explosives should be burned without
first contacting the installation EOD office. Reference should also be made
to any command's standard operating procedure on explosives incineration.
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