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viability of transfer stations
method of disposal to be selected (e.g., incineration, landfilling,
size and/or throughput capacity of the disposal facility required
environmental impacts at the disposal location (e.g., types of
potential air or water pollutants)
viability of Resource Recovery and Recycling Programs (RRRP)
potential for waste reduction/minimization.
Solid waste types and quantities generated for a military
installation can best be determined by means of a field survey.  If resources
are unavailable to conduct such a survey, estimates can be made based on
existing solid waste generation data for other similar installations.
Solid Waste Types.  The types of solid waste that can be expected
to be generate  at various naval installation sources are presented in Table
4-lA.  Although the information is dated, it illustrates the variability in
waste composition that can be expected depending on the primary function of an
installation.  Solid waste composition and quantities that can be expected
from various sources are presented in Tables 4-lB and 4-1C.  Figure 4-lA compares one Navy survey with a State of
Washington survey.  The difference in composition is significant.  Figure 4-lB
breaks down the Washington data by classification of generator as either (1)
residential, (2) manufacturing, or (3) commercial/institutional.  Again,
significant differences are apparent.  The figures presented are not meant to be used as design
figures for any particular installation.  The important point of the informa-
tion is that both composition and quantity of solid waste will vary
significantly depending on the location and the function of the military
installation.  From an historical standpoint two trends were noticed:  (1)
total generation rates increased over time and (2) the composition is moving
toward more plastics in all streams.
Waste Quantities.  Table 4-18 shows reported average per capita
solid waste generation rates for military installations as a whole.  The table
also compares military versus civilian generation rates.  The variability of the data in Tables 4-lB and 1C infers
that accurate numbers can be determined only by conducting several surveys at
the site in question.  A quick method would be to check delivery records at
the final disposal site.  More accurate methods are discussed in Appendix F.  For military installations in general, waste generators can
be conveniently categorized into 11 groups.

Western Governors University

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