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![]() (Tchobanoglous, Theisen, and Eliassen 1977). To establish vehicle and labor
requirements for various systems and methods, the unit time to perform each
task must be determined. Details of critical definitions and calculation
procedures are given by Tchobanoglous, Theisen, and Eliassen (1977). The
analysis revolves around the concept of stationary container Systems (most
common practice) versus hauled container systems. The conceptual differences
become apparent after examination of Figure 4-2-4A. One example analysis
showed that the hauled container system could save significant collection
costs for round-trip haul distances less than 10 miles. Table 4-2-4A gives size ranges for containers used in each
scheme. Table 4-2-48 is a companion table and shows data on typical vehicles
used in garbage collection. Figures 4-2-4B through 4-2-4G are sketches of
some of the available garbage collection vehicles specified in Table 4-2-4B.
The chain-lift type rear hoist truck (Figure 4-2-2G) is inefficient and is
being phased out in the military. The fork-lift type, rear container hoist
type truck is no longer being procured. For those remaining in service,
replacement consists of ordering a cab and chassis to mount the lift mechanism
on. Use of rear-loading compaction equipment depicted in Figures 4-2-2D and E
is not recommended because the operation is expensive and labor-intensive.
Instead, the automated side loader and container handling system in Figure
4.2.2F is recommended. Specifications for collection vehicles must be
specific for the type of frame, transmission, engine, brake system,
differential, and body and for specialty items such as rear-viewing TV,
communications equipment, tires, and any special controls.
Operating Records Keep accurate operating records for each collection truck
assigned to the refuse collection system. Department of Army Form 3916 (Daily
Log of Truck Trips for Refuse Collection and Disposal ) has been designed for
this purpose in the Army; Form 1453 (Refuse Collection and Disposal report)
for the Air Force; the Navy does not have a standard form for this. Truck
drivers fill in the form daily, noting the size of each load (full, three-
quarters, one-half, or one-quarter) or number of 32-gal garbage cans carried
on each trip. The supervisor collects the reports, converts the size of load
to cubic yards, and makes a monthly consolidation of these data on DA Form
3917 (Refuse Collection and Disposal) for the Army, and the Air Force uses AF
Form 1452, Daily Log of Refuse and Salvage Collections. For reporting purposes, the standard workload unit for
collecting refuse and salvage is the cubic yards of uncompacted material. The
method for computing the quantities to be reported for each type of collection
equipment is given below. Compaction Type. Load the vehicle body with measured
quantities of the loose refuse materials being handled at the installation,
in a manner similar to the way it is loaded during the normal refuse
collection operation. It is important that the materials and method be
representative of the daily operations; otherwise, the compaction factor, and
consequently the reported daily volumes of refuse, will be in error. The
total quantity of uncompacted material that is placed in the truck body when
divided by the rated (measured dimensions) capacity of the truck body will
give a compaction factor for the specific materials collected and the
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