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prioritize projects for consideration in an annual program. Sharing ideas.  Lessons learned at one installation will
save time and effort at other installations.  An annual Tri-Service meeting on
the sole subject of RRRPs would be an excellent way of presenting useful
information, especially to new programs.  Such a meeting should show a high
return on investment simply by warning inexperienced bases about common
Audits Any RRRP can be subject to an internal service audit or an
audit by the Government Accounting Office. The overall objective of an audit is usually to evaluate MWR
participation in the RRRP and the internal controls in place to manage the
funds generated by the program.  Specifically the audits will
determine whether sound business practices were followed in
establishing the RRRP.
evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency in managing the RRRP to
determine whether procedures promote revenue maximization and cost
evaluate procedures to account for RRRP revenue to determine whether
accountability is maintained from sale to receipt of cash and whether
income reporting is consistent throughout the military.
determine whether all costs incurred in generating RRRP revenues are
reimbursed prior to project funding and whether RRRP funds are being
used in accordance with the intent of Public Law 97-214.
determine whether any abuses of Public Law 97-214 are occurring.  The
intent of the law is clearly to allow only revenues from the sale of
scrap to accumulate in RRRP accounts.  Reusable personal property is
NOT to be sold as scrap.
determine whether installations with qualified RRRP's are receiving
goods from installations without RRRP's.  This practice is not
recommended.  Each installation shall establish its own RRRP even if
some support is required from another installation.
Waste Segregation Options Segregating Wastes.  The mechanics of segregating recyclable
materials falls between two extremes:  source separation and disposal site
separation.  Source separation is defined as the setting aside of one or more
recyclable materials, such as paper, cans, or glass, from refuse. This must be
done at the point of generation by the discarding unit before the materials
become mixed into the solid waste stream. Disposal Site Separation.  Disposal site separation
generally uses mechanical equipment to separate recyclable materials from other

Western Governors University

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