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Recommended facility safety features are shown in Table
Table 4-3-17G shows a range of incinerator sizes that
might be considered by military installations. Many installations benefit from
small capacity incinerators which might operate only 8 h/day. Rarely would a
military installation consider a 1000-ton/day plant unless it was operating as
a partner with municipalities. An example of such a cooperative effort is an
RDF plant built by the Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) (Masley
1987). Here the Norfolk Naval Shipyard participates both by supplying garbage
and purchasing steam energy. Eight other communities are involved in this
combined facility which consists of nine transfer stations, an ash landfill,
and a refuse-only landfill in addition to the incinerator to serve a fast
growing area. This incinerator capacity is roughly 2000 tons/day.
Maximum incinerator efficiency is obtained with
continuous operation. However, military installations usually do not generate
enough waste to justify this schedule. Except at the largest installations, one
person, working an *8-h shift, can operate an incinerator that has sufficient
capacity to burn all installation refuse during the working day. Cleanup is
mandatory before and after firing. If the workload is too heavy, additional
operators can be assigned. A staggered schedule will provide an adequate crew
during peak delivery hours. The following typical staggered schedule allows 2 h
for morning and evening cleaning and 9-1/2 h for incineration at full burning
0700 - 1530: The first operator cleans the furnace and builds a fire
from 0700 to 0800, then supervises the unloading and charging of refuse.
0900 - 1730: The second operator stokes the fire and controls the
rate of charging. From 1630 to 1730 the same operator accomplishes incinerator
shutdown and ensures that the facility is left in a safe configuration.
Any furnace manufacturer will supply detailed technical
operating instructions for the equipment. General plant procedures shall ensure
Personnel are provided with face shields or safety goggles, heavy
gloves, respirators, safety shoes, and hard hats. OSHA Standard
1910.133 is the requirement for eye and face protection.
Safety belts are worn when personnel are working on ladders.
Fly ash is removed from the flues only when the ash temperature is
below 380C (1000F).
Procedures for operation during emergency situations, such as power
failure, air or water supply failure, equipment breakdowns, and
fires, are developed and posted. These procedures shall be practiced
so that personnel become familiar with them and able to apply them
when necessary.
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