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Safety valves are removed and checked at least once a year by
qualified mechanics.
Electrical equipment such as forced-draft motors, switches,
and wiring, is serviced and maintained by qualified
Good housekeeping is practiced at all times.
Appropriate warning signs and instrumentation are conspicu-
ously posted. Charts and signs serve to familiarize
personnel with correct operating practices. An incinerator
operating chart can be used as a visual guide for stokers and
chargers. Warning signs shall be posted as reminders to keep
personnel outside guardrails. Prominent posting of the
notices to collection crews will alert truck drivers and
helpers to safe, orderly procedures. For timely maintenance,
a schedule shall be displayed, giving desirable frequency for
inspecting refractories and cleaning ash pits, fire chambers,
combustion chamber, stack base, floors, sumps, and floor
Maintenance procedures. Components subject to rapid
wear or damage shall be inspected weekly at a time when they are not in
operation. After each weekly inspection a report shall be made. It shall
include the condition of the furnace, repairs performed, and the expectation
of future repairs. When repairs are being made, the units remaining in
operation should not be overloaded. Some incinerators are equipped with
maintenance shops. Spare parts (those not readily available as shelf items)
for cranes, stokers, fans, and motors are sometimes kept on hand. Most
operational maintenance is performed by regular staff employees. Preventive
maintenance should be practiced to prevent serious problems. Weekend
shutdowns provide an excellent opportunity to inspect for future problem
areas. Refractory maintenance, boiler care, slag removal, and grate
maintenance are some of the important areas that shall be serviced
frequently. In addition to the control of odor, dust, and litter, the work
space shall be kept clean. Misuse of employee facilities, such as
accumulating salvage items, shall not be permitted. Poor housekeeping
creates fire or safety hazards. Lighting fixtures and bulbs shall be kept
clean to provide effective illumination at all times.
Disposal of Residue. From 5% to 25% by weight of the
refuse charged into an incinerator remains as residue after combustion. The
percentage for a given facility depends upon the composition of the waste
stream, preincineration resource recovery, and operation of the incinerator
itself. Devices to handle this residue differ, depending on the type and
design of the incinerator. The residue contains all of the solid materials
remaining after burning such as ash, cinders, unremoved metals, glass, rocks,
and unburned organic substances. Incinerator residue is permeable and
contains water-soluble inorganic and organic compounds. Incinerator residue
must be analyzed to determine if it is regulated as a RCRA waste or by state
or local regulations. Batch-feed incinerators usually have ash hoppers
located directly below the grates. The hoppers are large enough to store the
refuse from several hours' burning. The residue is quenched or sprayed with
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