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Used Oils and Solvents Used oil includes all used petroleum products and lubri-
cants, hydraulic fluids, preservatives, metal-working fluids, waxes, and
insulating fluids. Used oil recycling and disposal activities are presently
regulated under RCRA and various state authorities. The burning of used oil
in nonindustrial boilers is prohibited if fuel specifications cannot be met
because of contamination (chlorinated solvents; heavy metals; or polychlori-
nated biphenyls, PCBs), characteristics (flash point below 1400F), or total
halogens. Industrial burners of off-specification used oil fuel must comply
with various notification, certification, and record-keeping requirements. Used solvents are defined as all organic fluids contami-
nated as a result of use for cleaning or thinning or use as a solvent,
antifreeze, or for a similar purpose. Most used solvents are regulated by
RCRA as hazardous wastes. The recycling, reclaiming, or reuse of used oil or
solvent may also be regulated. The Used Solvent Elimination Program (USE)
requires the minimization of solvent wastes. Guidance for the management of
used oils and solvents can be found in "Used Oil and Solvent Recycling
Guide," prepared for NEESA in June 1985, and in NEESA 20.3-013. PCB-
contaminated oils must be handled and disposed of as described later under
PCB wastes.
Asbestos Wastes. Friable asbestos wastes must be handled and
disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Subpart M of 40 CFR 61 and
any other state or local regulations. Asbestos removal and disposal on
military installations must be performed by a licensed contractor or
specifically trained and equipped civilian/military personnel. The material
must be placed in sealed, impermeable bags and disposed of by burial at a
state-approved sanitary landfill.
Radioactive Wastes. The handling and disposal of radioactive
wastes is strictly controlled by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
in accordance with 10 CFR 20. Medical and research installations may produce
wastes contaminated with radioactivity. Many of the short half-life
radioactive isotopes used in medical activities can be decayed for 10 half-
lives and then disposed of as infectious waste. Radioactive wastes
containing regulated hazardous chemicals are considered "mixed wastes" and
must be handled and disposed of as a "hazardous waste" and a "radioactive
waste." For example, waste liquids used from scintillation counting may
contain toluene or xylene, which are regulated hazardous chemicals wastes.
Infectious and Medical Wastes. Hospitals and other health care
facilities generate solid wastes, of which 10% to 15% are considered
infectious waste. Facility Engineers/Public Works Officers/Base Civil
Engineers are not responsible for the collection and disposal of infectious
waste. Commanders of medical department installations are responsible for
the disposal of infectious waste in coordination with facility
engineers/public works officers/base civil engineers. The regulation of
infectious waste varies widely from state to state. The Medical Waste
Tracking Act of 1988 required EPA to develop infectious waste regulations,
which were issued under Subpart J of RCRA. Effective 22 June 1989,
hospitals, clinics, medical offices, and other handlers of potentially
infectious medical wastes in the states of Connecticut, New York, New Jersey,
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