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![]() c. A near vicinity map, having a scale of 250 feet or less to 1 inch and
containing the information described in the preceding item for a radius
of 2500 feet in all directions from the site boundaries and the
All homes, building or structures;
The 100-year and 500-year flood plain, where they pass through the
map area, or otherwise, a note indicating the expected flood
occurrence period for the area;
Existing land uses and zoning classification;
All water supply wells, springs or intakes, both public and
All utility lines, pipelines or land based facilities (including
mines and wells); and
All parks, recreation areas, dams, historic areas, wetlands areas,
monument areas, refuges, unique natural areas or similar features.
d. Copy of lease, deed (showing page and book location) or certification
or ownership of the site. The department will not consider as an
applicant for a permit any person who does not demonstrate legal
control over the site. A documentation of an option to purchase will
be considered as a substitute for a deed; however, the true deed must
be provided to the department before construction at the site begins.
e. Site hydrogeologic and soils report shall include, as a minimum, the
Boring records and analyses from properly spaced borings in the
facility portion of the site, with no less than five borings on
any site and no less than one boring per five acres of facility.
Boring shall extend for twenty feet below the elevation of the
contemplated bottom of the facility or to the bedrock. In
carbonant bedrock, karst areas, covered karst areas, areas of
possible collapse or other problem areas, appropriate corings into
the rock may be necessary.
Complete description of the soil units on the site, including
tests of permeability (the results of at least three in site tests
for important units). All corroborating and supporting data for
permeability tests shall also be submitted. In site permeability
tests data includes test method, calculations, natural moisture,
attenberg limits, natural unit weight, method of sampling, etc.;
remolded permeability tests require a proctor comparison test
(ASTM-D-698). Those results, plotted, along with percent
comparison of the test sample and the data listed for the site
permeability tests are needed for accurate interpretation of the
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