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!  AQL = 2.5% for timely collection at Base A
!  lot size
28,064 units
!  sample size = 315 units
!  defectives found = 30
!  defectives corrected = 0
Maximum contract payment per month
Maximum payment percentage for the service
(column 5 Table 8-2)
Maximum payment for acceptable services
$ 6,000
Acceptable reject level (i.e., number of defectives)
See Tables 8-3 and B-4; Level II inspection)
(Reference MIL-STD-1O5D for more details)
= 15
30 defectives exceeds reject level of 15 defectives
Percentage of sample found unacceptable
(defectives divided by sample size times 100%)
30/315 * 100%
Percentage of sample found acceptable
(100% minus percentage found unacceptable)
Payment for percentage of acceptable services
(Maximum payment for acceptable services times
fraction of sample found acceptable)
$6,000 * 90.5/100
$ 5,430
For services surveyed by sampling with all samples defectives corrected by
AQL = 2.5% for timely collection at Base B
lot size = 3,440 units
sample size = 200 units
defectives found = 15
defectives corrected = 15
Maximum contract payment per month is
Maximum payment percentage for the service
(column 5, Table B-2)
Maximum payment for acceptable services
$ 6,000
Acceptable reject level  (i.e.  number of defectives)
(See Tables B-3 and 8-4; Level II inspection)
(Reference MIL-STD--105D for more details)
= 11

Western Governors University

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