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![]() other pertinent emission variable data. Construct similar tables for
each year of interest. For future years the estimates of the variables
are restricted to the major categories of Family Housing, Troop Support,
Industrial Activities, and Total Installation.
(2) Step 3. Using the average emission factor values of
Table F-I and the models of Table F-2, calculate estimates of the
solid waste generated.
(3) Step 4. Compare the total solid waste weights calculated
in Steps 1 and 3. If there is wide variation between the estimated
weights for the most recent year of recorded data, adjust the
emission factor estimates of Step 3 to close agreement with the
weights determined by Step 1. The Step 1 weight is based upon
volume measurements of the particular installation, while the
emission factor estimates were derived from composite measurements
of other installations. Once adjusted, the Step 3 estimates, which
reflect the installation's activity levels, shall be used to
forecast the solid waste of future years.
(4) Step 5. The weights derived through Step 4 can be
converted to component values by multiplying the estimated
installation weights by the pertinent composition percentages of
Table F-3.
Low Cost/Low Precision Survey (Plan B)
Plan B consists of the no measurement" study of Plan A combined with a
limited (15-day) waste source survey. Approximately 90 percent of the
staffing will be composed of supervisory personnel (GS-11 or equivalent). The
15 days of weight measurements will provide a quarterly estimate of the mean
weight with a precision close to plus or minus 10 percent of the mean, with a
confidence level of 0.8. It will not be possible to provide a confidence
level of the composition estimates as they rely on visual approximations.
No-Measurement Analysis, Step 1. Complete the five-step analysis
of Plan A. The estimates of the aggregate solid waste weight and component
weights will be used as a reference base to afford comparisons with the
measurement (weighed) values.
Limited Solid Waste Survey
(1) Step 2. The survey supervisor develops a system for
identifying the collection vehicles and the solid waste generating
sources (by building or groups of similar buildings). The survey
supervisor, after consulation with collection personnel, constructs a
collection and weighing schedule for each day of the two-week survey.
Since the collection personnel will do all of the data recording, only
minor modifications shall be made to the existing collection schedule. A
protocol, covering the various steps of the solid waste survey, is
constructed by the survey supervisor and explained to the collection
personnel, along with instructions on filling out a collection card and
weigh card.
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