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![]() data from the first two days of the survey, and compare the estimates
derived independently from the collection cards, the weigh cards, and
the no-measurement analysis of Plan A.
(3) Step 8. Revise the estimates of Plan A using the estimates
derived from the two-week, limited solid-waste survey and present the
historical and forecasted results.
Medium Cost/Medium Precision Survey (Plan C)
Plan C combines the no-measurement study of Plan A with a survey which
entails 20 contiguous days of weight measurements of the installation's waste
streams, and the physical segregation and weighing (for composition analysis)
of three 100- to 200-pound samples of solid waste generated by each of the
various facilities on the installation. Effective implementation of the Plan
C survey shall result in an estimate of the installation's mean daily waste
generating rate for the encompassing quarter with a 0.9 level of confidence
and an error plus or minus 10 percent of the mean. Estimates for the year, or
other periods outside the sample quarter, can be accomplished through revision
of the Plan A estimates based on the weight measurements. Three 100-to 200-
pound randomly selected samples from each solid waste emission source
(building or group of similar buildings) shall provide estimates of the
component proportions with at least 0.9 confidence levels and errors of plus
or minus 10 to 30 percent of the fraction means.
No-measurement Analysis, Step 1. Repeat the steps of the "no-
measurement" Plan A analysis described in Plan A, paragraph F.2.
Medium Cost/Medium Precision Survey.
(1) Step 2. The survey supervisor designs the survey and prepares
an implementation protocol. To ensure coordination and control, the
survey supervisor shall be located on the installation for the duration
of the survey. The major tasks to be accomplished in the preparation of
the protocol are as follows:
Identify collection containers, waste generating sources
(buildings), collection routes and disposal points on a map of
the installation.
Group the buildings and their containers by the major waste
source categories (Family Housing, Troop Support, Industrial
Activities) and subcategories.
With the assistance of the collection supervisor, restructure
the collection routes so that each truckload contains a
single-source category of waste. Arrange for the return of
each dumpster to its initial collection location. Set up a
special collection team to collect the waste from those
buildings which do not fall into a collection-run category.
Designate a weighing station location (preferably at the main
sanitary landfill) and instruct all facility managers that
loaded solid waste trucks must have their loads and tare
weights weighed and recorded by the survey truck-scale reader.
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