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![]() installation facilities to final destinations must be weighed and measured for
percent fillage, preferably at a central truck-scales location. The data
shall be recorded on a weight sheet. It is assumed that each truckload of
solid waste, as a result of Step 2 (b) and (c) can be identified with a
particular installation building or grouping of similar buildings.
Composition Sampling.
(1) Step 4. Construct a daily schedule indicating which truck-
loads, scheduled for disposal, are to be sampled for composition
analysis. Truckloads to be sampled shall be randomly selected to ensure
that each waste source stream (building or grouping of similar
buildings) will have three 100- to 200-pound samples taken over the 20-
day sampling period. The collection supervisor shall arrange to have
the preselected truckloads delivered to the landfill (or point of sample
collection) as soon as the regular daily collection runs begin. After
each selected truckload is weighed at the truck-scales location, the
load is dumped. The composition team rakes the pile to obtain an even
distribution of the components and then subdivides the pile into 100- to
200-pound portions. A portion is randomly selected (using numbered
slips drawn from a hat), bagged and tagged with proper identification.
After the scheduled number of loads is sampled, the bags are brought to
the segregation site. Each composition sample is then segregated by
hand into component parts which are weighed. The data are recorded on
composition sheets.
(2) Step 5. After two days of collecting weight, volume, and
composition data, make preliminary calculations of the weights, volumes,
and compositions of the facility waste streams and check these values
against the estimates derived by the no-measurement analysis of Plan A
(Step 1, paragraph F.2). Revise the survey procedure where necessary.
(3) Step 6. On completion of the 20-day survey, compile the
recorded data, make the necessary calculations, and present the results.
(4) Step 7. Revise the monthly and yearly forecasts of Plan A
using the estimates derived in Step 6.
High Cost/High Precision Survey (Plan D)
Plan D consists of the "no-measurement" study of Plan A, combined with
the repeated application of the Plan C survey (20 contiguous days of weight,
volume, and composition measurements) in each quarter of the year. Over a
twelve-month period the installation's total waste stream, and the waste
streams from the major solid waste generating sources (buildings or groups of
buildings), will undergo 80 days of weight and volume measurements. Twelve
100- to 200-pound composition samples will be analyzed for each generating
source. A survey of this scope shall result in estimates with errors less
than plus or minus 10 percent of the mean weight with a 0.9 confidence level,
for each quarter and the year. A similar level of precision shall hold for
estimates of the solid waste components. The derived estimates can be used to
determine the secular trend of the installation's waste-growth and a seasonal
determine the secular trend of the installation's waste-growth and a seasonal
index of the solid waste pattern. Factors for converting collection volumes
to weights, and emission factors that associate solid waste generation rates
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