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complete and pesticide application may be necessary.
The key to pest control is the successful combination
Contracts can be fulfilled routinely.
of these methods.
Work can be set up easily.
The technician can proceed as rapidly as
Occupants are satisfied if pests do not
Simple styles of pest control do not include more
than the minimum follow-up, such as legally mandated
It is the most economical short-term
Follow-up practices, s u c h a s detailed
recordkeeping, supervisor oversight, and a quality
control program, can make the difference between the
Time alone governs the schedule.
success or failure of moderate to complicated pest
Inspections are brief.
control problems.
Boredom from repetition affects the
Pesticides are used regardless of
whether or not there is an infestation.
There is no evaluation.
Records are brief.
No long-term solutions.
The least technical expertise is needed for
preventive pest control and the brevity of the activity
and interaction gives clients the incorrect idea that
controlling pests is elementary. This style can be more
efficient with a quality control program.
Reactive Pest Control
In reactive pest control, a technician responds to
special, unscheduled calls and
talks with clients
makes an inspection
identifies infested sites
applies pesticides to pests or sites
In the urban setting, current industrial or
records necessary information required
structural pest control activities can be characterized in
by law
four styles: prevention, reaction, extermination, and
integrated pest management.
Preventive Pest Control
Response is relatively quick.
In preventive control, a technician follows a pre-
The occupant is satisfied by the fast
established schedule, or route, to:
response and i m m e d i a t e p e s t
make expected appearances
make inspections
The interaction with technicians is
apply pesticides (usually a spray)
talk with the tenant or manager, and
Minor recommendations by the
record information required by law.
technician to clients are often accepted
While the inspection can indicate where pests
because they were requested by the
occur, with this style, pesticides are usually applied
client. [Such recommendations make
regardless of whether pests are observed or not. Those
pest control more effective.]
who practice this style are satisfied that pests will be
Situations are more interesting for
killed as they contact the pesticide residue.
technicians, and boredom is reduced.
Mgt & Ctrl, Chapter 1, Pg 2
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