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![]() Spray Patterns
Technicians who use hand-held compressed air
The most common nozzle for the hand-held
sprayers should periodically attend training for
cleaning and sprayer maintenance. It is recommended
compressed air sprayer is made of brass and usually
that they familiarize themselves with their own
can be set in one of four spray patterns. More than
equipment and be prepared to repair it. It is
four patterns are available, however. The most
recommended that technicians
common patterns include two pin streams, flat fans,
Rinse the sprayer daily; especially the
and cones.
hose. [Always empty liquid from the
Pin streams can be coarse or fine. The coarse or
hose: hold the nozzle high and squeeze
fine pin streams do not produce the best crack and
the trigger to drain the hose into the
crevice application. Even when set for fine spray, a
tank. If this is not done, liquid from the
stream is produced that splashes back from all but the
last use remains; it will be applied first
widest crack, so many nozzles have a connection for
at the next use, regardless of any new
a narrow-diameter plastic extension tube. Remember
spray mix in the tank.]
to use equipment as directed (e.g., injection tool for
Clean the sprayer on a regular schedule.
crack and crevice application). The end of the
Never use warm water to mix sprays.
extension tube is inserted into or at the edge of a crack
[Warm water helps break down
and delivers an accurate pin stream: overall, the most
pesticides, creates droplets that easily
effective spray pattern for cockroach pesticide
float, and increases a pesticide's odor.]
As stressed in the core manual, always
Coarse and fine flat fan streams are used to apply
use gloves when spraying. Always use
general or spot applications, as are hollow or solid
safety glasses or goggles when treating
cone sprays. Cone sprays deliver a circle of pesticide
areas above the head or close to the
and are often used outside on uneven surfaces and
Spray tank air, pressure varies according to the
amount of air the technician pumps into the tank.
As their name implies, power sprayers use
Pressure gauges can be attached to spray tanks. Low
electric or gasoline engines to pump liquid insecticides
pressure is usually recommended for spray application
from a relatively large tank, usually over 100 gallons.
inside structures. Constant use of high pressure with
The liquid is discharged thru a 3/8 - 1/2 inch hose of
compressed air sprayers sets up the possibility of
sufficient length to reach from the pump to the
overuse and misapplication. It causes part of the
application site. Power sprayers are generally used for
sprayed liquid to break into droplets as soon as it exits
one of two types of urban pest control: (1) controlling
the nozzle; this wastes material that can drift onto non-
termites, and (2) spraying building perimeters and
target surfaces. High pressure also causes splash back
on surfaces or quickly traps air in crevices and keeps
In the southern United States, power spraying
the pesticide from entering small spaces. As well as
outside in conjunction with inside treatment for
being uneconomical and wasteful, the practice
cockroaches is common. In warmer climates, large
encourages rapid application of pesticides whether they
cockroaches (American, oriental, smoky-brown, etc.)
are needed or not, from distances that affect accuracy.
are active outdoors as well as indoors. Other types of
This style of pesticide application will seldom result in
outside pests (e.g. ticks, crickets, millipedes and other
effective pest control, especially where German
miscellaneous invaders) are also treated by spraying
cockroaches are a problem.
outside. Here too, low pressure is more effective than
high pressure because the pesticide will not blast away
the surface dust or soil and runoff. Low pressure
allows for a more careful application, better soaking
action, and better penetration through short grass.
Special attention should be paid to the hose of
power sprayers -- both in the quality and points of
wear. Wear or cuts cause hoses to burst; when this
happens pesticides spill and cause contamination. Shut-
off valves should always be in good working order.
Mgt & Ctrl, Chapter 2, Pg 2
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