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![]() Life Cycle
Eggs. The egg capsule of the Smoky-brown
cockroach is large and dark-brown. The female usually
Periplaneta brunnea
glues it to objects in the harborage. An average of 17
The Brown cockroach, another close relative of
eggs are in each capsule; as many as 24 eggs have
the American cockroach, is transported in plant soil.
been found. Nymphs hatch within 50 days.
Nymphs. Nymphs hatched in summer overwinter.
Adults. The life cycle of a Smoky-brown
The brown cockroach closely resembles the
cockroach is about one year. A large adult die-off
American cockroach in color but lacks the light
occurs each fall. Both sexes fly.
coloration on the margin of the pronotum. Its cerci
(short appendages at the end of the abdomen) are
Behavior and Harborage
wider and have blunt tips; the American roach has
The Smoky-brown roach is found in the Gulf
slender, pointed cerci. It is not as uniformly dark as
States from central Texas to Florida, in Georgia, South
the Smoky-brown cockroach.
and North Carolina, southern California, and in some
parts of the midwest. It is a plant feeder, and occurs in
Life Cycle
greenhouses. While it is mainly an outdoor roach, it is
Eggs. Egg capsules of the Brown cockroach are
often transported indoors. Populations build up outside
over l/2 inch long and contain an average of 24 eggs.
homes and enter around doors, garages, and in the
They average 35 days from deposition to hatching.
eaves of roofs [where they live in gutters and under
Nymphs. Nymphs mature in little over nine
roof shingles and easily find their way into attics].
This cockroach is very dependent on moisture. With
months. The antenna1 segments of the first nymphal
the high humidity of coastal areas, populations can
stage are white both at the base and tip.
Adults. Adults are associated with trees and feed
build up and infest every level of a structure.
on plant materials. This species has a somewhat yearly
Control and Management
growth cycle.
Search gutter and roof overhang and attics,
Behavior and Harborage
The Brown cockroach is found from eastern
Habitat Alteration
Texas to Florida. They build up large populations in
Tighten doors and window wells.
some areas. They live outdoors, but enter homes on
Eliminate overhanging tree limbs [especially
occasion, and they often are transported into new areas
with the movement of plant soil. Brown cockroaches
Keep gutters clean.
can be found on the trunks of palm trees and in places
Close all roach entry at the roof from
such as sewers, crawl spaces, and garages.
the edge of eves to house wall. Use care
not to obstruct screened ventilation of
Control and Management
soffets or attic areas.
Attach lights away from the house.
Pay careful attention to outdoor populations near
buildings. In areas outside the Gulf Coastal region,
inspect shrubs and trees that have been imported for
Pesticide Application
indoor use.
Use microencapsulated insecticides at
the edge of the roof, behind gutters,
Habitat Alteration
See American Cockroach.
Use dusts in infested areas of attics
where the dust will not get into living
Pesticide Application
Use granules in outdoor harborage.
Inside the Gulf Coastal region, use the
same treatment as for the American
cockroach, including the American
Monitor -- especially in unoccupied vacation
roach sex pheromone.
homes. Attics of all infested homes can be heavily
Outside the Gulf Coastal region, treat
infested, especially unoccupied homes.
areas where specimens are found rather
Module One, Chapter 2, Pg 8
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