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is one inch long, and has richly-colored, dark-brown
through the summer. It is limited to warm and moist
wings that extend well over the tip of his abdomen.
regions, and may become a serious problem in areas
of the United States Gulf Coast where the climate
The woods cockroach is slender (three times longer
permits it to begin a population increase earlier in the
than wide). The pronotum and fore-part of the wings
of both sexes are margined with light yellow or white,
but the pronotum is very dark between these margins.
Control and Management
Behavior and Harborage
Inspect large yard trees and waste areas next to
Woods cockroaches live in rotted logs, tree
suburban yards. Locate favorable harborage.
stumps, hollow trees, stopped-up rain gutters, under
loose bark of trees, and in piles of firewood. The
Habitat Alteration
males fly to lights, landing on windows and door
Caulk or use other methods of exclusion
screens. They then make their way indoors or fly into
on the sides of building the roach is
the house. Sometimes they are brought in with
firewood. However, once indoors, Woods cockroaches
most actively entering.
soon die; human habitats do not provide the moisture
Minimize leaf litter and ground cover
of their normally shaded woodland. Even with
under large yard trees. Keep areas
sufficient moisture they would not live long without
females. Woods cockroaches range across the
Attractive blue or cold lights should be
southern, midwestern, and eastern United States into
located away from buildings and
directed so they do not shine on the
building walls.
Control and Management
Male woods roaches can be excluded by caulking
Pesticide Application
and tightening around screens in rooms that face
Select pesticidal baits most favored by
woods habitat. Outside lights that attract flying roaches
this species for use in their harborage.
can be regulated. Nearby windows and doors where
Before migration to lights begins, apply
light-attracted roaches may enter should be tightly
pesticides  labeled  for  use  on
screened. No pesticide applications are needed.
cockroaches to populations in favored
harborage outdoors.
Blattella asahinai
Monitor to find when populations begin to
The appearance of the Asian cockroach is
identical to the German cockroach.
Behavior and Harborage
The Asian cockroach is essentially an outdoors
Four factors explain the success of the German
roach; its populations are seasonal. It is native to and
cockroach as a pest in human habitations: They
widespread in southeast Asia and other parts of the
flourish in the human tropical environment
Pacific, but it has successfully colonized urban
can utilize human clutter and interior
neighborhoods after being introduced into the Tampa,
building design for their harborage
Florida area of the United States. This roach lives
feed on a wide range of food and are not
outside and builds up under fallen leaves and ground
subject to periodic scarcities, and
cover. It favors shady, moist areas, and builds up
develop in a short period of time allowing
rapidly under trees. Unlike most roaches, it is attracted
them to adapt and overcome environmental
to light, and adults fly to lighted windows, doors, yard
(and pesticidal) stresses.
lights, and parking lot lights at dusk. From these
German cockroaches in particular live on the
points they often crawl into buildings or fly to indoor
same wide range of food that humans eat, and have no
room lights.
The Asian cockroach begins building up its
strict preferences that would limit them to periodic
population in spring, and produces several generations
scarcities that might endanger their numbers.
Module One, Chapter 2, Pg 10

Western Governors University

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