most active areas. Decide whether the activity is
a p p l i e d a c c o r d i n g t o label
because of a food source or an entry point. Inspections
recommendations. Use baits that
for Argentine ant in urban areas outside the primary
will be taken back to the queen and
range requires closer inside inspection. Often the nest
Baits are more effective
and entire population is within the area of activity.
during periods of low honeydew
Beginning with the problem location,
first inquire whether the resident has
A treatment with residual dusts and
used pesticides that may have spread the
sprays should be thoroughly applied in
population or repelled them from
cracks and crevices. Some dusts applied
another area.
in cracks and crevices (boric acid) and
Ask if goods have been brought in from
micro encapsulated pesticides
other infested structures in the past
are transferred in the nest by preening
of other workers, but this method alone
Inspect for moisture sources and sweet
may not control a population.
food sources. Use non-toxic sweet bait
Isolated spot treatments can be used but
cups if necessary, and make close
ants are easily repelled by some
inspection in the kitchen and adjoining
pesticides. Concentrate pesticide
applications only in the area of ant
Inspect steamline tunnels connecting
Habitat Alteration
Ongoing monitoring is recommended where
Recommend trimming back shrubs and
Argentine ants are recurrent problems. Monitor for
other plants next to foundations to
honeydew-producing insects as well as for ants.
facilitate inspections and ventilation.
Little follow-up is necessary after treatment of
Reduce sources of water that contribute
isolated infestations outside the area of primary
to moist soil.
distribution. Repeat precautions on bringing in goods
Eliminate plants that support honeydew-
from known sources of infestation without first
producing insects if possible (e.g.
inspecting them.
citrus, bamboo, oleander, cherry laurel,
fig). Replace with low maintenance
plants or recommend treatment of
aphid, scale insect, mealybug and
Tetramorium caespitum
planthopper colonies with low-toxicity
Around 1/8 inch long, the Pavement ant has two
sprays registered for use on plants.
nodes. It has a shiny abdomen but a dull red-brown
Caulk ant entryways into structures such
head and thorax; the abdomen is darker, legs lighter.
as foundation cracks, openings under
Common along the Atlantic seaboard, it is less
siding, frames around windows and
common in the southern states. This ant is found as
doors, wall penetrations of wires,
well in cities in the midwest and California. The red-
plumbing, etc.
brown head and thorax are dull because of minute,
parallel furrows found on the front and sides.
Pesticide Application
Drench nests according to insecticide
label directions.
If indicated, granules can be applied
next to structure foundations and along
infested pavement and watered in.
Residual dusts and sprays can be used at
known entry points.
Available registered sweet baits either
Pavement ants nest outside under rocks, at the
toxic or with growth regulators can be
edge of pavement, door stoops and patios. They
Module One, Chapter 3, Pg 9