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![]() Pyrethrins can flush ants causing them
follow pathways along foundation walls, pavement,
to rush around erratically, excitedly
and such. The Crazy ant gets its name from its rapid,
elevating their abdomens. [This could
jerky gait; in large numbers it runs so rapidly, it is
cause the colony to split itself and
impossible to focus on a single individual. Some
relocate, as with the Pharaoh ant.]
colonies become immense and have been observed
Always inspect outside close to the
both outside and inside throughout an apartment
location of inside activity. Look under
complex. Populations fluctuate during the summer
stones and boards for colony openings
rebounding after wet weather, declining during dry
and activity.
weather. Crazy ants accept broad menus of food
including insects and especially enjoy concentrations of
Habitat Alteration
house fly larvae, garbage and kitchen scraps.
Remove stones and boards harboring
odorous house ant colonies.
Pesticide Application
Use dusts or residual sprays applied in
cracks and crevices in the area of
entering worker trails. [Any ant
exhibiting strong affinities to the outside
environment (honeydew insects, flower
nectar) and with nesting mobility
Colonies have been repeatedly introduced to the
(shallow nests, cavity nests, utilization
United States with plants from South America, Puerto
of protective objects) should be sought
Rico, and the Philippines. Colonies exist outside in the
outside as well as inside, unless its
southern United States and commonly overwinter in
locality inside precludes its reaching the
buildings and manholes in the northern portion of its
range along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
Control populations of honeydew-
producing insects on plants near the
Crazy ant infestations quickly call attention to
Use pesticides registered for the insects
themselves by their activity.
on plants. To maintain parasites and
Inspect manholes, crawl spaces, window
predators of these plant insects, use
wells, refuse piles.
low-toxicity pesticides such as
Inside, inspect garbage rooms and
insecticide soaps and oils.
kitchens as well as apartments.
Give special attention to entry through
doors and windows on ground floors.
Impress the client with the need to control
Investigate connections such as pipe
honeydew insects on plants and to eliminate nest
chases between kitchens and garbage
harborage near structures.
Habitat Alteration
Recommend the highest standard of sanitation
Paratrechina longicornis
both in homes, commercial food services, and food
This ant has a very slender body about 1/8 inch
processing establishments.
long; it has only one node; and is glossy dark-brown,
Always `leave food areas clean after
nearly-black in color. It can be found along the Gulf
Coast from Florida to Texas and in some scattered
Recommend garbage schedule control
locations in all states. It is common along the eastern
(dump before dark) and cleaning of
seaboard in the middle Atlantic states.
garbage rooms, garbage cans, and
The Crazy ant is unique in appearance. The
dumpsters and their surroundings.
antennae and hind legs are each as long as the body.
Caulk and tighten-up around doors and
These ants do not trail each other, but large numbers
windows and low wall penetrations.
Module One, Chapter 3, Pg 11
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