Be safe. Use bump hats and be careful
of heat machines, and electrical hazards.
Habitat Alterations
Most stored product pests feed on readily-
Institute a good ongoing cleaning
available starch of broken or ground-up seeds and
program. Pesticide use without cleaning
grains. Few species can chew through the strong seed
will not control stored product pest
coat or place eggs inside intact grains. Pests that can
are: the rice and granary weevil, the Angoumois grain
Caulk cracks (especially wall
moth, the lesser grain borer, several species of seed
penetrations) that communicate with
beetles, or pea and bean weevils in the family
other rooms.
Screen out birds and rodents.
Recommend good lighting.
Stop and repair moisture problems.
Sitophilus oryzae and Sitophilus granarius
Point out areas that need ventilation.
These two similar snout
Recommend reduction of clutter and
beetles are found in stored
excess product in cabinets or storage.
whole grain throughout the
Collect and discard old rodent bait.
United States. Adult beetles
Maintain alleys or inspection paths
have snouts with jaws
between stacks of products and between
(mandibles) at the tip. With these jaws, females chew
products and walls. [Have them painted
holes in the grain and deposit eggs. Larvae devour the
a light color.]
inside of the seeds, pupate, and later, emerge to renew
Install air curtains at doors to keep out
the cycle. Rice weevils (common in the southern
flying insects.
states) can fly. Granary weevils (more common in
Recommend rotating stock.
cooler climates) cannot fly. These two weevils are
Recommend storing materials that are
more common in granaries and mills than in stores and
not commonly infested (e.g., animal
homes, but they infest a wide variety of cereal grains
bedding, paper products, canned goods)
away from infestible products.
and seeds that are found in storerooms, pantries,
Discard infested materials. [Sanitation
garages, and other storage sites. [The word "weevily"
is the primary method of population
is still used in general reference to infested grain
reduction where infested stored products
products whether or not the infesting pest is a weevil.]
are found.]
Pesticide Application
Pesticides registered for use in the
infested area should be carefully applied
to cracks and crevices.
Apply spot treatments only in areas
w h e r e t h e r e i s an obvious and
immediate need to kill migrating
Another weevil with a much longer snout infests
acorns, pecans and hickory nuts. Acorn weevil larvae
Install insect electrocuters properly to
leave the acorns and nuts to pupate. When infested
attract flying insects.
nuts are brought inside, fat white larvae often escape
Investigate pheromone trapping for
and wriggle across tables, floors, etc.
killing in conjunction with other
Sitotroga cerealella
Ongoing monitoring and inspection plans should
This buff, tan, or golden moth, with a wing span
be put into effect in all food handling establishments.
of 1/2 inch, is larger than the common golden-colored
A complete pest management program is recommended
clothes moth. With wings folded it is more than 1/4
for these operations. Clear communication with clients
inch long. The Angoumois Grain moth is most
is important. Recommendations on cleaning and
commonly found in whole corn in the south and
sanitation should be evaluated continuously.
midwest. Like the weevil, it is more often a problem
Module One, Chapter 4, Pg 2