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![]() food; large pest populations can
identify three ridges that appear as fine lines on top of
build up because more attention is
the thorax with six fine teeth on
given to the rotation of more
either side. Eggs are deposited on
perishable products.
infested food and hatch into tiny
Make extensive inspection to locate all
white larvae.
infested material.
At full growth, larvae are slightly smaller than the
adults. They become covered with the material they
infest and appear to be very small lumps. (Pupae are
Habitat Alteration
equally inconspicuous.) Larvae do not leave the
Advise intensive cleaning of warehouses
infested material. Adults do, and while they do not fly,
and storage rooms.
they wander in conspicuous numbers in the same
vicinity as the infested material. [A similar species is
Pesticide Application
the Merchant Grain beetle.]
Limit use of pesticides registered for
Little harborage alteration is indicated. Older
food areas to application in cracks and
products will produce large populations simply because
more generations develop over time. Sawtoothed Grain
Fumigate mills or warehouses as
beetles infest the same materials as the Indian meal
moth. Likewise, finding the infested product and
cleaning the area of infestation is of prime importance.
Cockroach bait stations with a grain base may be
Set up regular monitoring programs in warehouses
useful in attracting and killing these beetles. [Capture
and food storage areas. [Pheromones for stored
in these bait stations may be the first indication of
product infesting beetles are very helpful in such
beetle infestation.] Pesticide sprays are of little use
when infested material is discarded and cracks and
crevices cleaned. Follow-up normally is not needed.
Lasioderma serricorne, Stegobium paniceum
Trogoderma species
These beetles are similar in appearance; while
In the same family as Carpet, Hide, and Larder
related to some wood borers or Powderpost beetles,
beetles (see Fabric Pests, Chapter Five), Trogodema
their habits are quite different. Adult Cigarette and
and closely-related species (Cabinet, Larger Cabinet,
Drugstore beetles
and Warehouse beetles) principally infest grain-based
oval, about 1/8 inch long
products. One species, the Khapra beetle, is a very
and reddish-brown in
serious grain pest; routine federal quarantine
color; they can fly. The
inspections are made to prevent its entry and
Cigarette beetle is covered
establishment in the United States. It has been known
with tiny hairs that give it a golden
to build-up in large infestations.
sheen. The Drugstore beetle appears dull
Trogodema adult beetles range from 1/16 inch to
and darker because of deeper lines on its
about 1/4 inch in length. They are about half as wide
wing covers.
as long, which gives them an oval appearance. Their
Larvae are tiny, white, curved, and
base color is black with three reddish-brown, golden,
covered with infested material causing
or gray irregular lines across the body. Larvae are
them to look like tiny lumps of the stored
stout and capsule-shaped; their segments are seen as
product. They are difficult to detect
stripes across the body.
unless the product is dumped and sifted.
Species that infest processed grain can be found
These beetles are commonly
in warehouses, storage rooms and homes. These
found in spices (paprika, ground
beetles commonly infest cereal, spices, rodent bait, dry
pepper, ginger), milled cereals
dog food, wheat germ and other processed cereal
(flour and cornmeal), dry dog
products with a high-protein content.
food, cosmetics, drugs, as well as
some human poisons, pyrethrum dusts, and dried
flowers (through the glue that attaches the flower head
Give special attention to products with
to wire stems). In homes, spices are favorite foods,
a long shelf life such as dry animal
especially paprika.
Module One, Chapter 4, Pg 4
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