feathers, hair-stuffed antique furniture, woolen carpets,
Clothes should be separated into
and blankets; they are known to destroy insect
uninfested, cleaned woolens or stained
collections, reducing individual specimens to piles of
and dirty articles that need to be dry
cleaned. Dry cleaning kills all stages of
tiny fecal pellets.
the beetle, and cleaned woolen fabrics
retard the growth of the beetle larvae.
There is a greater likelihood that furs or
woolens in long-term home storage will
be infested than those that are used
Have all cleaned fur, feather, and
woolen products stored in tight chests
or good plastic garment bags. Furs are
best kept safely in refrigerated vaults at
The several common Trogodema species are
most often found on high-protein plant material
processed into dry pet food, wheat germ and other less
Pesticide Application
starchy grain commodities (see Chapter 4, Stored
Where infestations are found, spot
Product Pests).
applications of registered pesticides can
be applied to storeroom or closet
baseboards and corners.
Apply pesticides in cracks and crevices
of infested rooms after the infestation is
Use naphthalene flakes in tight chests
Inspections for Dermestid beetle infestations
where vapors and odor will not be
depends first on the type or kind of beetle identified.
breathed by occupants. Naphthalene is
Look for accumulations of cast skins
not as volatile as paradichlorobenzene
and large amounts of fecal pellets as
(PDB) crystals and gives longer
well as irregular holes and loose patchy
protection. Use only amounts
recommended on the label. [These two
Advise clients to take all woolen
chemicals are sold in department stores
clothing and furs out of closets and
as mothballs or moth crystals.]
brush them. [Brushing helps to dislodge
eggs and larvae; infestations are
discovered in the process.]
Conduct a pest management plan emphasizing
Look in every storage box, under all
routine monitoring in high risk areas such as
furniture setting on wool rugs and
museums, woolen or fur storage facilities, etc. Use
Inspect tapestries, insect
pheromone traps for effective monitoring. Museum
collections and grain products. Inspect
staff should reinspect annually, and pest management
every closet, attic and basement into
personnel should monitor records regularly. Emphasize
their far reaches.
educational programs for curatorial staff and storage
Use pheromone traps in museums etc.
management personnel in critical facilities.
as part of the pest management plan.
Habitat Alteration
Advocate discarding or cleaning any
wool or fur product that has not been
Clothes moths fare better in warm humid climates
cleaned since wearing.
and so southern regions in the U.S. have historically
Recommend moving furniture and
produced more infestations than northern areas.
cleaning wool carpets in infested rooms.
Insist on thorough vacuuming of all
rooms for pet hair that can support
Adult moths are very secretive. They are very
small beetle populations.
small and never fly to lights, choosing instead to
Module One, Chapter 5, Pg 3