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outside nor inside. A final group, the imaginary pests,
The pests discussed in Module One consisted
are neither outside or inside.
principally of those that infest structures and for the
Pest species in Module Two also tend to be
main part remain inside -- generations producing
regionally distributed. Many occur in the southern
generations as long as the necessities of food moisture
states but not in northern ones. Likewise, eastern pest
and harborage hold out. Many of those species are
species usually do not persist much west of Kansas
cosmopolitan. They have been carried over much of
(around the 100th meridian) where related western
the world by human migrations of trade or conquest.
ones take over. Module Two pest populations are often
A few (some of the cockroaches, for example), have
cyclic. They may verge on the epidemic for several
adapted so well to human habits, that their origin
years and be rare in others. Some pests -- enough to
cannot be identified with assurance. Ants are the
keep things interesting -- occasionally enlarge their
possible exception to this grouping. They could be
ranges by expanding into new territories, and from
placed in either module, since some species can persist
time to time, new ones are introduced from other
indoors, in colonies, they have been included in
Module One. Module Two covers arthropod species
Finally, most of the pests in Module Two must be
that primarily live outside, individuals from the local
managed by treatment inside and outside, using either
fauna, that invade human habitat but do not reproduce
habitat alterations, cultural changes, pesticide
inside. Exceptions to this are spiders, who with
applications, o r a l l o f t h e p e s t m a n a g e m e n t
encouragement produce egg sacs that develop, honey
components. Urban pest management technicians are
certain to find the pests in both modules interesting
bees that inhabit building wall voids, and human lice
and their management challenging.
whose unique habitat is difficult to designate as
Module Two, Introduction, 1
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