Custom Search
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![]() Remove attractive refuse, such as
-- especially lilac. As they girdle the branches, they
bakery sweets, soft drink cans, and
lick the sap from the torn edge. They will sting
candy wrappers, several times a day
humans, and the sting is painful.
during periods of wasp and yellowjacket
Locate food facilities strategically at late
summer activities so that yellowjackets
are not lured to dense crowds and
events. [The National Park Service in
Problems with yellowjackets occur mainly when:
their IPM programs, found that stings
humans step on or jar a colony entrance
were dramatically reduced when drinks
a colony has infested a wall void or
are served in cups with lids.]
attic and has either chewed through the
Clean drink dispensing machines; screen
wall into the house or the entrance hole
food dispensing stations, and locate
is located in a place that threatens
trash cans away from food dispensing
occupants as they enter or leave the
To limit yellowjacket infestations in
worker yellowjackets are no longer
wall voids and attics, keep holes and
driven to feed larvae in the late summer
entry spaces in siding caulked; screen
months, and they wander, searching for
ventilation openings.
nectar and juices -- finding ripe, fallen
back yard fruit, beer, soft drinks and
Pesticide Application
sweets at picnics, weddings, recreation
When possible, treat ground and aerial nests after
areas, sporting events and other human
dark [Workers are in the nest at that time]. More often
than not, because of traditional work schedules,
Yellowjackets are sometimes responsible for
treatment will be scheduled for the daytime.
injections of anerobic bacteria (organisms that cause
Begin with the entrance hole in view and a good
blood poisoning). When yellowjackets frequent wet
plan in mind.
manure and sewage they pick up the bacteria on their
Wear a protective bee suit. Unless these
abdomens and stingers. In essence, the stinger
insects can hold on with their tarsal
becomes a hypodermic needle. A contaminated stinger
claws, they cannot get the leverage to
can inject the bacteria beneath the victim's skin. Blood
sting. Bee suits are made with smooth
poisoning should be kept in mind when yellowjacket
rip-stop nylon which does not allow
stings are encountered.
wasps and bees to hold on. A bee veil
and gloves are part of the uniform.
Wrist and ankle cuffs must be taped or
Sting victims often can identify the location of
tied to keep the insects out of sleeves
yellowjacket nests. Where the nest has not been
and pant legs.
located look in shrubbery, hedges, and low tree limbs
Move slowly and with caution. Quick
for the Bald Faced hornet. Soil nests are often located
movements will be met with aggressive
under shrubs, logs, piles of rocks and other protected
behavior. Move cautiously to prevent
sites. Entrance holes sometimes have bare earth around
stumbling or falling onto the colony.
them. Entrance holes in structures are usually marked
Have equipment handy so one trip will
by fast flying workers entering and leaving. Nests high
in trees should not be problems. Be sure to wear a bee
suit or tape trouser cuffs tight to shoes.
Insert the plastic extension tube from a
Habitat Alteration
pressurized liquid spray or aerosol
generator in the entrance hole; release
Management of outdoor food is very important.
the pesticide for 10 to 30 seconds.
Clean garbage cans regularly and fit
Resmethrin is most effective.
them with tight lids.
If the pressurized liquid spray includes
Empty cans and dumpsters daily prior
chemicals that rapidly lower nest
to periods of heavy human traffic at
temperature (freeze products), be aware
zoos, amusement parks, fairs and
that it will damage shrubbery.
sporting events.
Module Two, Chapter 2, Pg 5
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