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![]() Outside:
seeking a host.] One to four generations can be
produced each year, depending on the availability of
Spray or dust kennels and resting areas
hosts and the temperature.
using pesticides labeled for that
Infestation. Homes and yards can be infested by
Do not allow pets or children in the
the visit of an infested dog who drops mated, engorged
sprayed area until it is dry.
female ticks. Other dogs can become infested when
they are taken to an infested kennel or a home where
Follow up
ticks successfully attach.
It is important that clients know that dogs should
When outside, dogs encounter ticks that live
be protected even after treatment since eggs can take
outside. When the dog spends more time indoors in
thirty days to hatch. Take time to assure clients that
late summer or fall, female ticks will drop off indoors,
brown dog ticks do not bite humans and will therefore
lay eggs, and their larvae will emerge late that fall --
not transmit a disease. The fear of Lyme disease can
indoors. In fall, winter, and spring, tick infestations
drive a desire for overkill; explain that the brown dog
indoors are likely to be brown dog ticks.
tick does not spread Lyme disease.
Ticks at each developmental stage drop from the
host and seek cracks to hide in and molt. Brown dog
ticks usually drop off when the dog is sleeping; these
areas will most likely have the most severe
Several species of hard ticks are significant human
disease vectors (or carriers) and are responsible for the
spread and increase of Lyme disease and the
persistence of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF).
All technicians should be familiar with Lyme disease
and the Ixodes ticks that transmit it.
Look in rooms where dogs sleep, under
The large urban population in the United States
the edge of rugs, under furniture, in
is becoming increasingly at risk from tick-borne
cracks around baseboards, window, and
diseases. Humans are closer to diseased ticks due to
door frames, in dog boxes.
reversion of f a r m l a n d t o s c r u b
Habitat Alteration and Pesticide Application
Advise clients to
continuous incorporation of rural land
Check pets regularly for ticks.
into urban population centers, and
Treat pets using pesticidal dips, washes,
frequent travel to rural areas for
or dusts. Do not let small children play
recreation and vacations.
with dogs that have been recently
Wildlife populations, hosts for tick-borne disease, are
increasing in both rural and urban areas. As well,
Wash dog bedding frequently.
urban tick populations do not lend themselves to
Evaluate flea and tick collars.
classical agricultural pesticide cover applications.
There are many reasons why ticks are successful
Effectiveness is variable.
Keep grass cut short around buildings
parasites and successful at transmitting diseases.
and fences. Mow on both sides of
They are persistent bloodsuckers, they
attach and hold on.
Keep stray dogs out of the yard.
Long feeding periods give time for
Pest control technicians:
infection and extends the distribution
Use crack and crevice pesticide applications
Many species have a wide host range.
where ticks hide.
Initially ticks feed on small hosts, later
Treat under the edge of rugs, under
on larger hosts. Most can take three
furniture, in cracks around baseboards,
different hosts; they primarily find
window, and door frames, in dog
mammals, but accept birds and reptiles.
They have a tremendous reproduction
Do not allow pets or children in the
potential and lay several thousand eggs.
sprayed area until it is dry.
Eggs of some disease-carrying ticks also
carry the disease.
Fogging for ticks is useless.
Module Two, Chapter 4, Pg 3
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