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![]() Habitat Alteration
controlled and where there is a
danger of disease transmission.
Talk with game conservation personnel about
game management practices and game habitat
To control ticks on pets:
modification. Make recommendations.
Use insecticidal dips, washes, or dusts
Encourage hunting or other game
which may be obtained at pet counters
management practices to reduce the deer
or from veterinarians. Dogs should be
population in infested areas. [Previously
protected if they roam in tick habitat.
restricted areas may need to be opened
Advise that all uncontrolled or
to hunting.]
ownerless dogs be regulated.
Reduce the rodent habitat to reduce
Use of flea and tick collars has variable
hosts for larval and nymphal ticks.
Open up woodland edges to provide
Cats do not appear to be at risk from
observation perches for hawks (mouse
Lyme disease nor are they hosts for
predators) and reduce edge browse for
RMSF vectors.
Protect owls and hawks from hunters.
Follow up
Advocate cleaning up corn left in the
Continued monitoring and recordkeeping is
edge rows of fields and grain spills
around storage bins and roads.
important. Tick counts should be reviewed annually to
Widen paths in camps and parks to keep
evaluate and adjust the pest management program.
Educational programs and materials for at-risk
walkers away from plants from which
groups are vital.
ticks can make contact with humans.
Keep vegetation short to eliminate
rodent habitat in areas where people
Precautions for At-Risk Group Members
Wear long pants tucked in socks while
Advise that uncontrolled areas with high
working or hiking in tick habitat.
tick density be kept off limits to the
Use insect repellents on clothes and
skin. Do not use formulations with over
20-30 percent active ingredient on skin.
Pesticide Application
Use permethrin formulations that are
A novel control measure using permethrin-treated
cotton balls in cardboard cylinders has been reported
labeled for use as a repellent on
clothes; they withstand washing and
to reduce tick populations. The white-footed mice use
remain effective.
the pesticide-treated cotton as nesting material. The
Sulfur powder dusted on socks repels
pesticide does not harm the mice but kills their tick
chiggers. It also may be effective
parasites. This device, marketed as Damminix, must
against ticks.
be placed early enough to catch larvae and nymphs; it
Schedule regular body inspections for ticks at
must be placed close enough to reach all the female
noon and at bedtime:
Nymphal deer ticks are small, but they
Pesticide sprays are most effective when applied
can be seen with close inspection.
to the sides of paths.
Larval deer ticks cannot be spotted
Spray low vegetation including low
easily, but they are not disease carriers.
shrubs thoroughly.
Only adult American dog ticks infest
Mow around weedy fences that provide
people or dogs.
cover for rodents moving in from
nearby woodland edges. Spray at their
Tick Removal
Regular inspection, location, and early removal of
Use herbicides to control weeds where
ticks prevents disease transmission.
mowing is impossible. [Remember,
To remove feeding ticks dab them with alcohol.
broad application of pesticides to
If feeding has just started, and mouthparts are not
mowed grass does not reduce tick
cemented in, ticks sometimes pull their mouthparts
populations because white footed mice
do not infest lawns.]
If they do not release in a few minutes, take
Dust rodent runs or burrows in areas
tweezers, grasp the tick at the skin level and pull
where human traffic cannot be
Module Two, Chapter 4, Pg 7
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