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![]() be treated only when there is evidence of an active bed
several hundred might be deposited. Hatching occurs
bug infestation. Rodents found inside should be
in one to two weeks, depending on temperature -- the
warmer the weather, the shorter the incubation time.
trapped or baited. Several general application
Nymphs. Nymphs, tiny and colorless at first, go
pesticides labeled for bed bug, are available.
Dust or spray desiccating dusts,
through five molts taking a blood meal between each
one. This nymphal period can last from several weeks
pyrethrin, malathion, etc.
under favorable conditions to as long as a year when
Use crack and crevice application
hosts are unavailable and temperatures are low.
methods to treat harborage thoroughly.
Adults. Undergoing gradual metamorphosis, the
Treat furniture joints.
bed bugs mate soon after becoming adults. Adult bed
Ensure that treated tufted mattresses or
bugs prefer humans as hosts; while they have been
depressed seams dry and are covered
known to harbor several human diseases, there has
with bedding before they are used.
been no record of disease transmission.
Leave time for drift or droplets to settle
before bedtime.
Do not use space treatments or fogs;
they are not effective.
Under normal conditions, bed bugs feed at night.
Check state regulations. Some laws
Flat bodies allow them to hide in cracks in beds,
allow the use of appropriately labeled
bedside furniture, dressers, wall boards, door and
window frames, behind pictures, under loose wall
residual pesticides for cracks and
crevices; this reduces repeated
paper and in rooms near host sleeping areas.
Follow up
The bedroom is usually the center of infestation.
All dark cracks and crevices are potential harborage.
If treated infestations recur, evaluate to determine
Inspect camping sleeping equipment.
whether some harborage was missed or if the structure
Inspect outdoor animal sheds and coops
is being reinfested; revise the management plan.
even though not recently occupied.
Monitor structures where periodic reinfestation occurs.
Remember, camps used only seasonally should have a
Habitat Alteration
pest management plan too. Keep good records on
Since bed bugs have alternative hosts besides
pesticide use and application methods. Educate clients
humans (e.g., rodents, some birds, etc.), excluding
and maintain communications. Emphasize that bed
these animals is very important. While it is difficult,
bugs do not transmit diseases. Remove rodent baits
infested woodland cabins must be vermin-proofed.
when recreational buildings are occupied.
Tighten, caulk, and screen routes of
Two species of bed bugs can be found in bat
Store mattresses in protected areas.
colonies. These bugs are very similar in appearance to
When not in use, do not fold mattresses
the common bed bug; they do not build up in
on cots to prevent mouse nesting.
structures as intensely as the common bed bug. Their
Open protective harborage inside, such
host is the bat, but bat bugs wander when hosts leave
as wall voids, or tighten it up
during migrations. They are also disturbed by
reconstruction and bat proofing. An occasional bat bug
Open cabinets. [This discourages rodent
appears in rooms usually just below attics. Locate
infested bat nesting sites and dust after the bats and
Make crawlspaces accessible to
detritus have been removed.
predators and light.
Endangered Species
Move wood piles away from the
Be aware of endangered species of bats and other
animals when treating bed bug infestations. Outside,
Keep weeds and shrubs away from the
treat rodent burrows only.
Eliminate garbage.
Pesticide Application
Family Reduviidae
There is no tolerable number of bed bugs in
This family contains some species that bite
occupied structures. Camps and hiking shelters should
humans and even transmit diseases in tropical
Module Two, Chapter 4, Pg 10
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