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![]() CHAPTER 1
dwellers who feed them daily. These constituents
An animal with a backbone or spinal column is
react angrily to any attempt to poison or trap pigeons.
called a vertebrate. Humans, dogs, snakes, and birds
People feel a strong attachment towards
are examples of vertebrates, while insects, worms,
vertebrates that they do not feel towards other pests.
jellyfish, and snails are not. A few vertebrates, such as
Children in particular love and cherish them. Many
rats and mice, are common pests in urban and
people today are involved emotionally in protecting the
industrial sites. Others are not pests in their normal
welfare of animals, particularly vertebrates. Control of
habitats, but may occasionally become pests when they
vertebrates other than rats and mice is more of a
conflict with humans. A skunk in the woods is a
public relations problem than a pest problem. Killing
beneficial part of nature; a skunk nesting in the
is the control method of last resort.
crawlspace of a home is an entirely different matter.
Public concern for the welfare of animals and the
Some vertebrates that are serious pests in
risk from vertebrate poisons to people, pets, and other
particular situations are never considered to be pests
nontargets have made rules governing vertebrate pest
by certain people. Pigeons, for example, can cause
control particularly strict. Laws and regulations at the
human health problems when roosting in large
state and local level may be much more restrictive than
numbers. Commonly, their droppings foul sidewalks,
federal regulations. Be sure you understand all the
contaminate food, and damage automobile paint. But
regulations that apply in your geographic area.
pigeons are seen as pets and friends by many city
Module Three Chapter 1, Pg 1
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