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![]() CHAPTER 3
Learning Objectives
After completion of the study of Mice, the trainee should be
Describe the habits and habitat of mice.
Describe monitoring procedures and tools.
Describe methods to reduce life support.
Describe physical control methods.
The house mouse (Mus musculus) easily adapts to
life with people. It thrives in a wide range of climatic
conditions in a great variety of habitats, feeding on
most human food, and reproducing at a remarkable
When mice infest stored food, the greatest loss is
not what mice eat, but what is thrown out because of
House mice subsist throughout the United States.
real or suspected contamination. In six months, one
They are found in most areas of human habitation.
pair of mice can eat about four pounds of food an
House mice are also found living in the wild,
deposit about 18,000 droppings. The amount of food
competing with native fauna. They are common
contaminated by the mice is estimated to be about ten
inhabitants of grassy fields and cultivated grain crops.
times greater than what is eaten.
As well, house mice have been captured in open
So common are mice that the government permits
tundra in Alaska, miles away from human settlements.
a certain number rodent hairs, and sometimes
Technicians will find that the house mouse is the
droppings, to remain in food commodities destined for
most troublesome and economically important rodent.
human consumption. Yet food inspectors often have to
House mice are a common problem in homes and in
condemn food products and fine manufacturers because
all types of businesses. Nearly everyone can remember
of house mouse contamination in excess of that
times when they were irritated by mice. They are a
nuisance to rich and poor alike. The continual drain
Losses are not only connected with food. Family
that house mice impose on stored food and fiber, and
bibles or heirlooms stored in a trunk in the attic or
the damage they cause to personal possessions, are the
garage that are damaged by mice are irreplaceable, as
most serious economic threats. House mice also have
are original paintings and manuscripts stored in
the potential to transmit diseases and parasites to
museums. Mouse-riddled documents in the bottom file
people and domestic animals.
drawer of an office cannot generally be valued in
Control of house mice requires understanding
dollars and cents, but these losses can be costly.
Electrical wiring gnawed by rodents start many
mouse biology and habits, and particularly the major
differences between mice and rats. During the past few
fires. Many listed as "cause unknown" are probably
decades, control of Norway and roof rats has
rodent-related. House mice frequently take up
improved while problems with house mice have
residence in electrical appliances and end up chewing
increased. Baiting programs often are more successful
into the power supply. This is particularly costly when
in controlling rats than they are in controlling mice.
computer systems are disrupted.
Module Three Chapter 3, Pg 1
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