Learning Objectives
After completion of the study of Birds, the trainee should be able to:
Describe the habitats and life cycles of birds.
Discuss the non-chemical and chemical alternatives of bird control a n d
Birds create enjoyment and recreation while
doves originally nested in caves, holes, and under
greatly enhancing the quality of life. These colorful
overhanging rocks on cliffs, so they comfortably adapt
components of natural ecosystems are studied, viewed,
to window ledges, roofs, eaves, steeples, and other
photographed, enjoyed, or hunted by most Americans.
components of man-made structures.
Bird watching as a sport and recreational activity
Pigeons give pleasure to many people. Along with
involves over 10 million people. For this reason, birds
house sparrows, they may be the only "friendly"
are strongly protected by laws, regulations, and public
wildlife observed by many people living in an inner
city. Many park visitors have adopted special pigeons
Birds can become pests when they feed on crops,
they feed every day. Pigeons are also bred for racing,
create health hazards, roost in large numbers on
stunt flying, and meat production. Pigeon racing is a
buildings, contaminate food, or create a nuisance. Few
sport in Europe and in some parts of the United States,
species can be flatly categorized as good or bad;
with birds racing distances of 10 to 1,000 miles (the
whether birds are beneficial or harmful, depends on
record is 3,000 miles).
time, location, and activity.
Pigeons are used for scientific research on heart
disease in humans and diseases of domestic chickens.
They are raised for food; the meat of pigeons is
commonly referred by restaurateurs as "squab," to
avoid offending their customer's sensibilities; it is
considered a delicacy.
Pigeons have become the most serious bird pest
associated with buildings; they may congregate in
flocks of a hundred or more. Although primarily seed
or grain eaters, in urban areas pigeons feed on
garbage, spilled grains, insects, food left out by
outdoor diners, and food provided by bird lovers who
intentionally feed pigeons bread, peanuts, and cookie
Pigeons are gregarious and feed, roost, and loaf
The domestic pigeon (Columba livia) developed
in each other's company whenever possible. Feeding,
from the rock doves of Europe and Asia and was
roosting, and loafing sites are usually separate.
introduced into the U.S. as a domestic bird. Rock
Roosting sites are protected from the elements and are
Module Three Chapter 4, Pg 1