recommended. T h e h i g h e r t h e p r o p o r t i o n o f
Birds can absorb a toxic dose in less than a
AVITROL, the higher the number and visibility of
minute but may not die for four days. Pigeons will
dead and/or convulsing birds. A ratio of 1:29 will kill
normally find a protected place out of the sun and
5 percent of the flock; a 1:9 blend will kill 15 percent.
wind once they begin feeling the effects of the
toxicant. They usually don't fly after that time and die
The amount of AVITROL bait set out
should equal the amount of pre-bait
within 20-30 feet of the perch, if it was set in a
consumed each day.
roosting site. There is a secondary poisoning hazard if
Use the ratio that best fits the job.
other animals feed on dead birds. There have also been
Keep in mind that the object is to
reports of hawks and owls dying after using the
relocate the flock, not kill every pigeon.
perches. By law, dead birds must be picked up,
Retrieve toxic bait mixtures at the end of the day.
buried, or burned.
Sweep or vacuum area.
One AVITROL application is adequate for most
Chemosterilants (ORNITROL), have often been
jobs. At large commercial operations (e.g., a freight
called the "birth control pill" for pigeons. When fed to
yard), bait may need to be placed daily for a few days.
pigeons, it inhibits ovulation in the female and sperm
Pick good sites. If pigeons become bait shy, wait
production in the male. The effects of a treatment lasts
about three weeks, then begin a new prebaiting
for six months in the female and three months in the
If a site has been getting monthly
male. When applied as directed on the label, it will not
AVITROL "maintenance" baiting, pigeons can become
kill birds, but populations will slowly decline over the
extremely bait shy. Prebaiting for as long as three or
years from the natural mortality in an aging non-
four months may be necessary, but it is usually best to
reproducing pigeon population. Efficacy on birds
switch to another control method.
associated with agriculture has been reported to be
Use care to follow label directions for using
more variable.
AVITROL specifically for each species of pest bird.
The manufacturer recommends applications for 10
Read the label carefully.
days two times per year -- in the early spring (March)
Secondary poisoning, in its classical definition, is
and late summer or early fall. For each 100 pigeons,
not a risk with AVITROL since the chemical is
7.5 pounds of ORNITROL corn are scattered daily for
metabolically changed in the tissue of affected birds.
10 days. Prebaiting with whole corn for a week will
However, if a dead or dying bird has a supply of
usually be necessary to achieve bait acceptance. Most
AVITROL-treated bait in its crop, there is potential
birds eating ORNITROL will be temporarily sterilized,
risk to an animal feeding on that seed.
so care must be taken to avoid feeding nontarget
species. Research data indicated little or no activity in
Toxic Perches
mammals. There is no secondary poisoning hazard.
A toxic perch is a metal container with a wick
surface that holds a liquid contact poison that birds
absorb through their feet when they stand on the
A possible alternative or supplemental method for
perch. The toxicant (fenthion) is hazardous to all birds
eliminating birds is shooting with air-powered pellet
and animals including man. Toxic perches are
guns, if legally allowed.
particularly useful where food is in constant supply or
Shoot at night or first thing in the
AVITROL bait is not accepted. They are applied in
morning in roosting areas.
locations where birds will perch on them, usually in
Use a high-powered pellet gun because
the evening hours. An average-sized job will require
it is relatively accurate, quiet,
10-12 perches. A large job might require 30.
short-ranged, and will not cause
Toxic perches can only be used in certain sites:
structural damage. [Many models are
inside buildings and structures (non-food areas), on
available. Some specialists use .22
caliber smooth-bore rifle loaded with
building tops, structural steel, power plants, or
Number 12 or Number 9 birdshot or
substations, and at feed lots, loading docks, and
sandshot. However these are noisy,
storage yards. Pigeons may develop a site-specific
often illegal, and too powerful for urban
aversion to perches placed at feeding, loafing, or
watering sites, but not usually in roosting sites.
Use care, errant shots can be
Perches usually need refilling twice per year. In hot
weather perches can sometimes leak toxicants.
Module Three Chapter 4, Pg 9