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worst time of year for control. At this time, bats are
conditioners have, on occasion,
rearing young in their colony. The young can not fly
kept bats from roosting in a poorly
and stay in the roost. Batproofing during this period
sealed attic.
traps the young bats. They will die and rot and smell.
Ultrasonic devices do not repel bats.
A single bat. When a single bat finds its way into
They may also crawl and flutter into living areas.
The best time of year to batproof a building is
a home, office, or store, it will usually find its way
either in late fall after bats have left for hibernation or
out again. When it cannot, capture the bat with an
in late winter and early spring before the bats arrive.
insect net, a coffee can, or even with a gloved hand.
If batproofing must be done in summer, it should be
The bat can be released or destroyed.
done after mid-August.
Seal all but one or two principal
Wait 3-4 days for the bats to adjust to
using the remaining openings.
Then seal those openings some evening
just after the bats have left for their
nightly feeding.
"Bat valves" can also be used. These
are placed over the remaining openings
and allow the bats to leave but not to
Standard batproofing materials include l/4 inch
hardware cloth, screening, sheet metal, caulking,
expanding polyurethane foam, steel wool, duct tape --
the same things used for rodent proofing. When old,
deteriorated buildings have more openings than can be
sealed economically. Large sections of plastic bird
netting can be draped over the roof areas of these
buildings to keep out bats at a reasonable cost.
Tree squirrels are found in forest areas throughout
Bat repellents. If batproofing is not possible, or
most of the United States. Many species have adapted
bats need to be forced out of a building before it is
extremely well to suburban and city life. Occasionally,
batproofed, the bats can sometimes be repelled from
these squirrels enter buildings and cause damage or
their roost. At this time, only one chemical is
disturbance. The most common species that become
registered as a bat repellent. Naphthalene crystals or
pests are the gray squirrel, red squirrel, flying
flakes can be spread on attic floors or placed in voids.
squirrel, and fox squirrel.
The crystals are most effective in confined air spaces.
Tree squirrels usually build their nests in trees.
Three to five pounds will treat an average attic.
They also may store food and find shelter in attics and
While naphthalene may repel the bats, it vaporizes
garages. Probably the primary way squirrels become
and disappears in a few weeks. The bats often return.
pests is by scrambling and scratching inside attics and
Many humans dislike the smell of naphthalene as much
in wall voids. Grey squirrels travel easily on power
as bats and some people are very sensitive and should
lines. They like to gnaw on wires.
avoid all contact. Blasts of air have been used
The legal status of squirrels varies greatly with
effectively to drive bats out.
geographic area and species. Many are classified as
Bright lights have had some success in repelling
game animals. Some are protected. Be sure to check
with local game conservation officers if you plan any
On commercial buildings, flood lights
kind of lethal control or trapping program.
can be pointed at the bats' entry points
to keep them from entering. (Of course,
Control and Management
the bright lights may attract insects too,
Squirrel proofing. Step number one in eliminating
which is the bats' food.)
Attics can be illuminated with four or
a squirrel problem in a building is to find out where
more bulbs; ensure that all corners of
the squirrels are entering. Remember that squirrels
the attic are illuminated.
will be coming and going each day. Common points of
Drafts of cool air from fans and air
entry include damaged attic louvers, ventilators,
Module Three Chapter 5, Pg 4

Western Governors University

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