ingredient or other poisonous chemical harmless.
COMMUNITY-- The different populations of
animal species (or plants) that exist together in an
DIAGNOSIS-- The positive identification of a
ecosystem (See also Population and Ecosystem).
problem and its cause.
COMPETENT-- Individuals properly qualified to
DILUENT-- Any liquid or solid material used to
perform functions associated with pesticide application.
dilute or weaken a concentrated pesticide.
The degree of competency (capability) required is
directly related to the nature of the activity and the
DISINFECTANT-- A chemical or other agent that
associated responsibility.
kills or inactivates disease-producing microorganisms.
Chemicals used to clean or surface-sterilize inanimate
CONCENTRATION-- Refers to the amount of
active ingredient in a given volume or weight of
formulated product.
DOSE, DOSAGE-- Quantity, amount, or rate of
pesticide applied to a given area or target.
CONTACT PESTICIDE-- A compound that causes
death or injury to insects when it contacts them. It
DRIFT-- The airborne movement of a pesticide
does not have to be ingested. Often used in reference
spray or dust beyond the intended target area.
to a spray applied directly on a pest.
DUST-- A finely ground, dry pesticide formulation
containing a small amount of active ingredient and a
substance (sometimes pesticides) in or on a plant,
large amount of inert carrier or diluent such as clay or
animal, soil, water, air, or structure.
CULTURAL CONTROL-- A pest control method
ECOSYSTEM-- The pest management unit. It
that includes changing human habits, e.g. sanitation,
changing work practices, changing cleaning and
includes a community (of populations) with the
garbage pick-up schedules, etc.
necessary physical (harborage, moisture, temperature),
and biotic (food, hosts) supporting factors that allow
DECONTAMINATE-- To remove or break down a
an infestation of pests to persist.
pesticidal chemical from a surface or substance.
D E G R A D A T I O N - - The process by which a
formulation produced by mixing or suspending the
chemical compound or pesticide is reduced to simpler
active ingredient (the concentrate) and an emulsifying
agent in a suitable carrier. When added to water, a
compounds by the action of microorganisms, water,
air, sunlight, or other agents. Degradation products are
milky emulsion is formed.
usually, but not always less toxic than the original
chemical that aids in the suspension of one liquid in
DEPOSIT-- The amount of pesticide on treated
another that normally would not mix together.
surface after application.
EMULSION-- A mixture of two liquids which are
DERMAL TOXICITY-- The ability of a pesticide
not soluble in one another. One is suspended as very
to cause acute illness or injury to a human or animal
small droplets in the other with the aid of an
emulsifying agent.
when absorbed through the skin (see Exposure
DESICCANT-- A type of pesticide that draws
formulation with the active ingredient enclosed in
moisture or fluids from a pest causing it to die.
capsules of polyvinyl or other materials; principally
Certain desiccant dusts destroy the waxy outer coating
used for slow release. The enclosed active ingredient
that holds moisture within an insect's body.
moves out to the capsule surface as pesticide on the
surface is removed (volatilizes, rubs off, etc.).
D E T O X I F Y - - To render a pesticide's active
Appendix C, Pg 3