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1.1 INTRODUCTION. Wood is one of our most valuable natural resour-
ces. Inexpensive, readily available and versatile, wood has become an
important construction material. Wood's usefulness is greatly increased
when it is protected against deteriorating agents by pressure treatment with
preservatives and followed with supplemental in-place maintenance pro-
cedures which will further increase the service life of wood.
Despite what most people think, wood doesn't just naturally decay. It is
deteriorated by wood-destroying organisms. The principal agents respon-
sible for the biodeterioration of wood components within CDAA structures
are Decay Fungi. These fungi require a certain combination of circumstan-
ces in order to flourish. One such circumstance is moisture. Wood con-
taining a moisture level at or above the fiber saturation point, that is, above
about 30% moisture, is subject to decay and subsequent serious loss in
strength. Wood that remains dry, however, will not be colonized by decay
fungi. Quality preservative treatment of wood used in construction and
maintenance of wooden components in service are essential to prevent
deterioration by wood-destroying organisms.
CDAA wood products constitute a significant monetary investment, espe-
cially when considering the expense of replacing structurally failed com-
It is vitally important to recognize the potential for wood
component failures, the need for a thorough inspection to determine
planned replacement requirements versus replacement upon failure; and
the possible need to employ state-of-the-art in-place wood protection
systems to retard biodeterioration. Such planning and scrutiny will greatly
enhance the service life of CDAA wood components.
This handbook provides information which will help ensure that Navy
personnel are able to specify and receive preservative treated wood
products most suitable for a particular end use and ensure that the maxi-
Specifically this handbook covers wood
mum service life is achieved.
deterioration, preservative treatments for new wood products, procure-
ment specifications, inspection and quality control for new treated wood
products, inspection of wood products in service, maintenance of treated
wood products and remedial control against wood destroying organisms.