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Figure 1
Figure 2
NOTE: End plates shall be galvanized steel with teeth at least 9/16" long
and shall be a minimum 6" X 7 1/2" for main line ties, and
5" X 6 1/4" for side track ties.
Materials broken or damaged in shipment.,..
Materials with unacceptable splits, checks or in poor
condition ..... REJECT.
Railroad ties with unacceptable splits and without anti-
splitting devices .... REJECT.
Materials in acceptable condition or railroad ties with
anti-splitting devices .... Proceed to Step 7.
Step 7. Incising.
Incising is small holes mechanically put in the wood before treatment so
that the preservative can penetrate the wood evenly. The holes may vary
in size from a pin hole to a cut 1/2" or longer and may be as deep as 3/4".
Because incising is done by machine, a definite pattern will be recog-
nized. Any piece of lumber over 2" thick must be incised. The Contents
of Charge portion of the inspection report will indicate if incising was
performed. If incising is required, you should visually check the
products for incising holes.

Western Governors University

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