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1.0 INTRODUCTION. Wood is one of our most valuable natural
resources. Inexpensive, readily available and versatile, wood has become
an important construction material. Wood's usefulness is greatly in-
creased when it is protected against deteriorating agents by pressure
treatment with preservatives and followed with supplemental in-place
maintenance procedures which will further increase the service life of
Despite what most people think, wood doesn't just naturally decay. It is
deteriorated by wood-destroying organisms. The principal agents
responsible for the biodeterioration of wood components are Decay
Fungi. These fungi require a certain combination of circumstances in
order to flourish. One such circumstance is moisture. Wood containing
a moisture level at or above the fiber saturation point, that is, above
about 30% moisture, is subject to decay and subsequent serious loss in
strength. Wood that remains dry, however, will not be colonized by
decay fungi. Quality preservative treatment of wood poles is essential in
preventing deterioration caused by wood-destroying organisms.
Antenna, distribution and transmission poles at Navy installations con-
stitute a significant monetary investment, especially when considering
the expense of replacing structurally failed components. It is vitally im-
portant to recognize the potential for wood component failures, the need
for a thorough inspection to determine planned replacement require-
ments versus replacement upon failure; and the possible need to employ
state-of-the-art in-place wood protection systems to retard biodeteriora-
tion. Such planning and scrutiny will greatly enhance the service life of
wood poles.
This handbook provides information that will help Navy personnel to
specify and receive preservative treated poles which best meet end use
requirements. Specifically this handbook covers wood deterioration, pre-
servative treatments for new poles, procurement specifications, inspec-
tion and quality control procedures, inspection of wood poles in service
and maintenance of poles in service including remedial measures for co
trolling deterioration caused by biological organisms.
are classified by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act

Western Governors University

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