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tion requirements necessary to apply pesticides on Navy activities.
3. NAVFACINST 6250.4B. Selection, Use and Maintenance of Pres-
sure-Treated Wood Products. Based on intended end use, provides
guidance for the specification of treated wood products to extend the ser-
vice life of wood products.
4. NAVFAC MO-312. Wood Protection. Provides information on the
different tree species, and the physical and chemical characteristics of
wood. Discusses the different chemical preservatives along with the pur-
pose, advantages and disadvantages of each type. Finally discusses the
importance of a quality management program for assuring the receipt of
quality treated wood products.
5. American Wood Preservers Association Book of Standards. This
publication provides the technical requirements for chemical preserv-
atives, chemical retention levels for specific end products, testing proce-
dures, and product marking requirements. These are the
non-government standards to be cited in Navy procurement specifica-
6. NAVFAC Specification TS-20312. Maintenance of Wooden Utility
Poles. Provides guidance for the inspection and preventive maintenance
of a utility pole plant. Properly treated utility poles can last 40-50 years,
a periodic inspection and maintenance program can add many addition-
al years.
7. NAVFAC MO-312.2 of April 1991. A Field Guide for the Receipt
and Inspection of Treated Wood Products by Installation Personnel.
All Navy personnel should have this book in hand when inspecting
treated wood products for acceptance.
15.1 Background. Complete records on the replacement and
preservative in-place treatment of wood components are often either not
kept or arc incomplete.
15.2 Discussion. Historical records maintained on poles are
invaluable in determining structural performance, identifying potential
biological problem areas (decay), and for evaluating effectiveness of in-
place maintenance procedures.