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AFM 91-19 / TM 5-629 / NAVFAC MO-314
24 May 1989
f. Runoff is an important hazard on treated
a. On military reservations, trees and shrubs
slopes, bare ground, and pavements. Low vis-
sometimes must be removed or controlled on
cosity asphalt, applied after application of a soil
weapons ranges, ammunition magazines, and
sterilant, helps hold the chemical in place. Use
similar areas. Woody plants must also be kept
40 gallons per 1,000 square feet, or 1,700 gallons
under control along highways, under power
per acre, or use a light covering of road oil. If
lines, along security fences, and at the end of
there has been an excavation, add a layer of
aircraft runways.
crushed rock. Trees that are some distance from
b. Woody growth can be cut mechanically or
soil treated with soil sterilants may be killed if
manually. Stumps can be removed by bulldozer,
their roots extend into the treated area.
if required. Root rakes may be used for more
thorough removal of roots. Sprouts and stems
less than 2 inches in diameter can be mowed
3-6. Control With Combinations of Herbicides.
with a heavy-duty rotary mower. If stumps are
A combination of herbicides may be more effi-
not removed or treated with herbicides, re-
cient for complete control of vegetation than a
sprouting will require repeated rotary mowing.
single chemical. Combinations of different her-
Mowing is impractical on rough and rocky
bicides effectively increase the range of weed
terrain. One or two mowings per year are
species controlled; and, in some cases, reduced
usually adequate, but such mowing becomes a
rates of herbicides are possible.
continuing requirement.
a. To obtain vegetation-free areas, certain
foliar-applied herbicides are used together with
c. Where mechanical removal is not possible
persistent, soil-applied herbicides. These foliar
or practical, herbicides may be applied from the
herbicides include the contact herbicide paraquat
air or the ground, using either sprays or pellets.
and the translocated herbicides such as gly-
Both selective and nonselective herbicides for
phosate and amitrole. Glyphosate is nonselective
killing woody plants are available and are ap-
and kills many weeds, including perennial weeds.
plied in various ways, depending on the plants
It readily translocates from the foliage to other
to be treated, their geographical location, and
parts of the plant, including the roots. It has no
the proximity of valuable crop and ornamental
soil activity. Where the perennial weeds are
plantings. Effective herbicides are shown in
susceptible to the growth-regulator herbicides,
attachment 9.
it may be economical to use a combination
of a relatively insoluble soil sterilant like broma-
3-8. Foliage Sprays. These may be applied as
cil, simazine, or diuron to control annual weeds
drenches or as low-volume treatments.
and 2,4-D, dicamba, or other such growth-
a. The drench treatment attempts to wet all
regulator herbicide to kill the broadleaf perenni-
foliage, twigs, and terminal limbs. Drenching
sprays are used to kill brush along roads,
b. Soil sterilants are applied preemergence to
rights-of-way, fences, and drainage ditches.
moist soil at about 4 pounds per acre. The
Drenches are applied by high-volume sprayers
growth-regulator herbicides are applied to
capable of maintaining pressures up to 100
broadleaf perennials at 1 to 2 pounds per acre
pounds per square inch. Higher pressures tend
when they are in full leaf and growing rapidly to
to form excessively by fine spray droplets that
obtain the maximum translocation to their roots.
are more likely to drift off target. High-volume
For this combination method to be successful,
refers to 100 or more gallons per acre. The
the soil sterilant must remain near the soil
high-volume applications are often used in areas
surface, and there must be enough rainfall to
that are too small for aerial applications or in
activate it. Heavy rain will leach the herbicide
sites that are not practical for low-volume equip-
from the topsoil and shorten the period of
ment. High-volume applications are usually
control. Incorporation of the chemical into the
made by hand-held or turret-mounted spray
soil helps activate it in dry seasons, but this does
guns with adjustable nozzles.
not substitute for train.
b. Low-volume sprays, usually from 5 to 40
gallons per acre, are applied by aerial, ground,
Section C -- Controlling Woody Vegetation
or hand-held sprayers equipped with booms,
boomless nozzles, or mist blowers. Aerial spray-
3-7. Practical Considerations. Each type of land
ing is best for treating rough terrain and large
use influences the methods that can be used for
areas of tall and dense brush. Aerial spraying
brush control.
can give good coverage of the area being
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