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AFM 91-19 / TM 5-629 / NAVFAC MO-314
24 May 1989
through the leaves, and contact herbicides are
c. If control is accomplished during the first 2
most suitable (attachment 6).
years by heavy rates of herbicide application, it
can then be maintained with reduced rates. The
b. To obtain vegetation free areas, certain
full effectiveness of some soil sterilants like
foliar-applied herbicides are used together with
bromacil, tebuthiuron, diuron, and simazine is
persistent, soil-applied herbicides. These foliar
most evident in the second or third year of use,
herbicides include the contact herbicide paraquat
especially in dry areas or with deep rooted
and the translocated herbicides such as glyphos-
ate and amitrole. Glyphosate is nonselective and
kills many weeds, including perennial weeds. It
d. The roadbed (berm) beyond the ballast
readily translocates from the foliage to other
requires weed control to prevent tall vegetation,
parts of the plant, including the roots. To broad-
but elimination of all vegetation increases
en the spectrum of weed species controlled by
chances of erosion. Low-growing grasses are
persistent soil-applied herbicides, such as broma-
acceptable. The rest of the area, to the right-of-
cil, add foliar herbicides such as 2,4-D, dicam-
way fence, is similar in weed control require-
ba, and picloram to control broadleaf weeds.
ments to roadsides.

Western Governors University

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